say something about ... yourself!

The end of the story?

Him yelling insults, me yelling drunken retorts, him leaving, me leaving?

Really, I thought "longer story short" would have inferred that there was no real climax to this story.
i wish i'd had the balls to do something like that.

i was in the bathroom at the mall the other day and this girl was a few stalls down from me and she had a child with her, kid's babbling about stuff and she's half-ass-ed-ly talking back to the kid, then she yells at the kid "DON'T TOUCH THE FLOOR!" and i pretty much had to bite my tongue so i didn't yell "Well maybe you should've had an abortion!" but i don't think i would've had enough time to do my pants back up, wash my hands and flee before the white trash retard stormed out to the stall and punched me in the face. damn.
The mechanical kind, or are you warning us that your genitals are actually a singularity and Will is posting from the other side of a wormhole?
That Laura's vagina would have to be held open permanently with rebar and carbon nanorods so we can travel through it like a stargate.
I watched more Steven Seagal movies than I probably should have. I took a girl out for dinner and she was pretty attractive but horribly dull. I'm leaving my job in 5 weeks and counting. I'm thinking of moving to Russia.
I don't want to lecture anymore. I'm sick of higher education institutions. I want to have time to read things not related to classical history. I want to pick up Star Trek novels and take 8 weeks to read one, instead of having to read 50 articles on Latin historiography every week. I don't want to re-read the Aeneid because I prefer later Epic anyways, I want Andy McNab and huge typeface.

I need sometime where scholarship takes a back seat. I still consider classical history as a vocation - my job for life. I just need it to go away for a bit.