say something about ... yourself!

no shit! it was 13 dollars for derick and i to both get the meal. classy fast food i guess? it is pretty nice how they always bring the food right to the table.

i hope you pronounce it "waterburger," for that is the way :loco:

omg lol every texan i encounter


i tell them...noooo

its WhaT a Burger

just like people saying water "wader"

its not a D it a T so its Wah Ter, not Wah Dur

so its What A Burger...

but they just think im
omg lol every texan i encounter


i tell them...noooo

its WhaT a Burger

just like people saying water "wader"

its not a D it a T so its Wah Ter, not Wah Dur

so its What A Burger...

but they just think im

you are crazy! :p

oh well, at least we don't say water as "wudder" like they do in derick's home state.
omg lol every texan i encounter


i tell them...noooo

its WhaT a Burger

just like people saying water "wader"

its not a D it a T so its Wah Ter, not Wah Dur

so its What A Burger...

but they just think im
When you were raised by parents whose parents originated in Nebraska, your parents tend to keep some parts of the accent, so you tend to hear the funny regional accent so much you don't notice it anymore. Though I smirk when I do notice them say warsh.

And those of you I saw in Texas, all of you had a slight southern accent. All of you. Except Derick. He did not.
And those of you I saw in Texas, all of you had a slight southern accent. All of you. Except Derick. He did not.

I caught him saying "strangs" once instead of "strings" :loco:

But yeah...he's never going to grow out of saying "ahhrange" instead of "orrange" & "flahhrida" instead of "floorida." Poor boy.
I'm proud of the fact that aside from Waderburger I have no southern accent whatsoever despite living with a mother and grandmother all my life that do.
I'm guilty of not using hard Ts sometimes, when I should, but I still say a form of What-a-Burger, in a clean accent. I've been told I should do narrations.
I caught him saying "strangs" once instead of "strings" :loco:

But yeah...he's never going to grow out of saying "ahhrange" instead of "orrange" & "flahhrida" instead of "floorida." Poor boy.
Let him have his accent, it makes him unique. I found it hilarious hearing you and Samantha talk sometimes though... it wasn't always overt, but the twang was always there, and I took delight it pointing it out when she did it. I assumed you were aware of yours and remained mute.
at least i don't say "doe-wer" and "poe-werch" like my mother :lol:

what is it with southerners not being able to pronouce "oil." my nutrition teacher in high school was an old, old-fashioned texan lady and she always said "ole." some people in my family do it too.
at least i don't say "doe-wer" and "poe-werch" like my mother :lol:

what is it with southerners not being able to pronouce "oil." my nutrition teacher in high school was an old, old-fashioned texan lady and she always said "ole." some people in my family do it too.

Ugh my mom does that too.

Ole instead of oil
Lun instead of Lung
Dower instead of Door
Ya instead of Your
And "goodgaddamaty" instead of Good God All Mighty or whatever it is.

I correct her English so much she usually just responds with "Oh fuck off John, who asked you?" :lol:
My Grandmother said things like "Horsefuthers" and "Lordy Merceh." Fortune dictates she was MOSTLY coherent.