say something about ... yourself!

You know what I hate more than anything in the world? A my pals woman singing amazing grace. Theres nothing that comes remotely close to pissing me off as much as that does.
hahah chill out bud! break it down with the Squib Man

is this a normal-sized black woman or an obese black woman in clothes that are 3 sizes too small for her and neon-bright colors? if it was the latter, i could understand your rage.
They're investigating a haunted piano on this one.

The show just always seems so cheesy.

i wasn't taking ghost hunters into account ... just the ones that explore old cases and they use "the first-hand accounts of a man living in nebraska during the great depression" and then they get a "paranormal expert" to talk about the restless spirit's unfinished business ... just the obvious bullshit stuff
i don't have an accent, or if i do then i don't realize it lol.

You don't but you don't sound like what I expected you to sound like. I guess you sound more ...manly? Haha, backhanded compliment much.

I do not have an accent. I tend to run words together Texas style, though. "I don't know" it just comes out as a string of grunts and "Did you eat?" comes out "yeet?" and "you want to?" comes out "yawna?". ...maybe I have a bit of an accent. :erk:
Yes you do, it's very light and took a west coaster who pronounces by the dictionary to hear it. I wouldn't have noticed if I weren't listening for it. :p