say something about ... yourself!

*scratches head* I must have been in a weird mind-state, but I do recall saying it like that for a weird reason. Oh well, I have my quirks that I correct, it happens. Anything else I should be made aware of as to not say it twice?
*scratches head* I must have been in a weird mind-state, but I do recall saying it like that for a weird reason. Oh well, I have my quirks that I correct, it happens. Anything else I should be made aware of as to not say it twice?

Eh, you can't hide the weirdness even with your mouth closed. So it doesn't matter. :loco: Pro skweet ooooooo!
You don't but you don't sound like what I expected you to sound like. I guess you sound more ...manly? Haha, backhanded compliment much.

I do not have an accent. I tend to run words together Texas style, though. "I don't know" it just comes out as a string of grunts and "Did you eat?" comes out "yeet?" and "you want to?" comes out "yawna?". ...maybe I have a bit of an accent. :erk:

manly! btw get on aol i need to talk to ya
Eh, you can't hide the weirdness even with your mouth closed. So it doesn't matter. :loco: Pro skweet ooooooo!

I try to at least maintain an appearance of normalcy... I don't like making others uncomfortable when I'm actually trying to relate to them rather than freak them out. :erk:
Would that explain the quiet hesitance after the initial less than subtle annoyance at uncomfortable flights in May? :p I was so irritated at the plane that I kept my guard down long enough to make Acie hold my hat as I waited for my bags. The flood of speech during road trip was a different issue: I need to talk when nervous. :rolleyes: Now I'm curious and demand to know my outward signs! What do I do that clues in to my weird mannerisms? I never bothered to ask anyone that.
Would that explain the quiet hesitance after the initial less than subtle annoyance at uncomfortable flights in May? :p I was so irritated at the plane that I kept my guard down long enough to make Acie hold my hat as I waited for my bags. The flood of speech during road trip was a different issue: I need to talk when nervous. :rolleyes: Now I'm curious and demand to know my outward signs! What do I do that clues in to my weird mannerisms? I never bothered to ask anyone that.

There's one. :cool:
I'm watching a documentary about the life of a guy in his 30's that is addicted to alcohol, marijuana, and hallucinogens, and how his parents are supporting his bum arse. HMMMM sounds familiar :loco: