say something about ... yourself!

shrike!! awww

what a pleasant morning. it's 70 degress outside, and i guess it's a tad bit humid, but just enough to make the breeze feel soft.

*cracks a window* ahh now i have it inside too :Spin:
Got the job offer from Wells Fartgo this morning. Just called back and declined. Sure, I may be poor a little while longer but I can do better than that :Smug:

Just following my general rule - don't take the first job offered if you know you can do better.
I'm still jobless, but I already got a job that will be ready in 2 weeks (basically the position is mine) in an art studio, I'll be second in command graphic designer, and I have another internship that I'm doing pro-bono for my portfolio and my experience... and working with a company in OR and designing their Earth Day poster anf fliers (again, for my experience and portfolio)
So it's all good.

Cara- if you know you can do better: then good for you for not taking the first job !! Good luck with that.
I'm still jobless, but I already got a job that will be ready in 2 weeks (basically the position is mine) in an art studio, I'll be second in command graphic designer, and I have another internship that I'm doing pro-bono for my portfolio and my experience... and working with a company in OR and designing their Earth Day poster anf fliers (again, for my experience and portfolio)
So it's all good.

Whoooooa. Good job, Karen!
I have a rule about not quitting your job until you have a new one lined up, but I guess you're past that point :p

That would have been nice. However, my last job was just too far away for me to take time out of my workday, go to interviews in my home city (that's what I'm aiming for this time), then go all the way back to work and have the day count for anything.