say something about ... yourself!

Don't feel bad. I have plenty of good friends on this board and in real life but I'm still lonely and depressed.

I was watching Steve's Steve Wilkos video about the abusive boyfriends. If I just had a girlfrend I would treat her like a queen and completly devote myself to her. But I'm just not good enough for anyone I know. :cry:

Thats how I feel alot of the time.

What are your hobbies?

I like technology, metal, and drinking. I like like making people laugh too. I feel so bad right now( depressed). Doesn;t help I'm listening to some doom metal, but i just become sad alot. My life is actually quite pleaseant, I just never talk to my friends much etc... or make new ones. I know its natuaral but being lonely sucks, doesn't it? I hate being softspoken! O well that wht forums are for. sorry to ruin a happy thread.
She'd leave you for someone that treated her like shit. It's just the way it goes. When it comes to chicks, nice guys always finish last. Look at me. 28 and I've had one serious girlfriend in my whole life, a long time ago.

I know it's hard but those lonely feelings do not have to consume and control your life. They only will if you let them.

What on earth do I do Kevin? I can't change the way I am!
Thats how I feel alot of the time.

I like technology, metal, and drinking. I like like making people laugh too. I feel so bad right now( depressed). Doesn;t help I'm listening to some doom metal, but i just become sad alot. My life is actually quite pleaseant, I just never talk to my friends much etc... or make new ones. I know its natuaral but being lonely sucks, doesn't it? I hate being softspoken! O well that wht forums are for. sorry to ruin a happy thread.
Well it sounds like you've got everything you need and it's just yourself that's causing your loneliness. Try talking to friends more often and going and hanging out even if you don't feel like it. I always feel better after kickin' it with friends, even if I was hesitant to go in the first place.

Also, I recently discovered that working out and getting decent exercise really helps keep me happy, so maybe it'd work for you too? I could never lift weights, so martial arts are perfect for me... I'm learning something, having fun, and getting a rad workout in to boot.

Try taking yourself out of your comfort zone and doing something you normally wouldn't. It sounds scary at first but the payoff is really worth it... but you won't understand it until you actually try.

edit: i don't know how that wink got in there.
WOW, thanks for making that replay Shpongled. Your ideas sound like they might work in my situation. That is some great stuff right there, forums are awesome(really, think about it). Things get to me sometimes. I'm a bit insane cause I keep doing the same things and expecting different results, but there is plenty of opportunity. I will make the most of things. cheers.
When a girl tells me she loves me should I not tell her I love her back?
If you're only looking to get laid... yes you should say it back.

If you genuinely like her, your gut should be guiding you. This is a tricky question. I'd say chances are, unless you've spent copious amounts of time with this girl in various scenarios and situations, she most likely doesn't really mean it when she says it. She wants you to say it back so she can feel loved and possibly use it as a crutch for turning it into your fault and not hers when things fall apart between the two of you. "BUT YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!!!!" and then you think in your head "but I didn't really mean it" and then you realize how just simply saying it back to her back then made the entire situation doomed from the beginning.

Like I said, a tough question.. and what I just typed could be completely stupid. I'm just going with my gut and what I would like to think is common sense.

The best answer I can give you is: Don't say it back unless you truly mean it.
Sounds true, although I done usually go for a lady unless I feel they can truely love me back(which has never arose yet).
Wooops, didn't see your post WhiteBeastofWotan. Make me look like unsincere now! Although I do find it funny you add the bit about making a sandwich. lol (just because I laughed doesn't mean I'm no logonger sad).
when she says i love you, you laugh and tell her to go make you a sandwich. Bitches love that shit.
