say something about ... yourself!

So I may or may not need glasses. I can see fine, just my eyes get fatigued after a while. And I get real dizzy...yuck popcorn...ewww.
just got back from carcass, same set with only like 1 or 2 new songs but fuck i can't get enough of it. i'm glad they focus mostly on the last 2 albums (i'm not counting swansong) because while the earlier grind stuff is good and sounds better live than on cd, it still just isn't as good imo. i hope they tour again or come out with a new cd thats legit, no swansong part 2.
Nothing to drink at home... I eventually discovered this box full of grape juice. Cool. Having one almost down, I look at the "best before"-label... it says "08 2007".

Now, I'm drunk.
Considering I got picked up and slammed by a blue belt that should really be a purple belt last night at practice, I feel exceptionally awesome today, even though my back is killing me :)

I guess it's cuz today is FRIDAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!
You might want to think about getting them. Dizziness can turn into headaches after awhile. It did for me!

Dizziness always turns into headaches for me,hahaa. I'm considering it, though, everyone from my mom to my boss told me to get them. I did get my eyes checked not too long ago, and right eye sight was ok, left eye sight ok, but when together, the doctor said that the eyes get real fatigued. My physiology teacher thinks it's a retinal problem.

In addition, I broke a blood vessel in the eye while puking, now it's all nice and red.
Dizziness always turns into headaches for me,hahaa. I'm considering it, though, everyone from my mom to my boss told me to get them. I did get my eyes checked not too long ago, and right eye sight was ok, left eye sight ok, but when together, the doctor said that the eyes get real fatigued. My physiology teacher thinks it's a retinal problem.

In addition, I broke a blood vessel in the eye while puking, now it's all nice and red.

Damn, you must puke hard.

If you stare at one thing does for a while does it go blurry? Perhaps you're going cross eyed.
If your physiology teacher thinks its a retinal problem then it might be whats called an Astigmatism. Which would require corrective len's.
Anyway it would be best to consult with your eyeball Doctor!
Damn, you must puke hard.

If you stare at one thing does for a while does it go blurry? Perhaps you're going cross eyed.
If your physiology teacher thinks its a retinal problem then it might be whats called an Astigmatism. Which would require corrective len's.
Anyway it would be best to consult with your eyeball Doctor!

The weird thing is I've never puked that hard. I took a test for astigmatism as well, and I didn't have that. But yeah, eyeball doctor it is
I've concluded that I stare at the computer screen way too much. After a while it's hard for me to read any type on the screen, but say I put a magazine article in front of me from the same distance, I can read the words fine.

But yeah, good luck Nikki! Glasses are awesome and I wish I could wear them all the time. I can't because I have to wear my hard contacts to keep my eyes from getting worse. I'z blind!
Oh and Albert Fish was not happy in that lil diamond shaped tank in the bathroom, so I got him a tank to match Marie's and put him in the bedroom next to her. They don't seem to notice each other though.

He seems much more content! And I'm almost sure he ripped his tail on his cave. If he was biting then surely he would have done it some more, but his tail hasn't gotten any worse. I got him a smooth fake shell that has no rough spots, so he should be good now.


Aww neighbors!
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