say something about ... yourself!

Both look really happy and healthy! ... and the tanks look great Cawa! :kickass:

Thanks! I actually had to take the TV out of the bedroom, it was on that stand next to Marie, til today. We never really watched it anyway. Now we can just watch fish! :loco:

Haha, Albert Fish.. that's great!

But why don't you put them in one tank so they could have some fun? ;)

No sexings, no! They might hurt each other. I wouldn't want that, especially for lil Marie :(
Rape and cannibalism! When I noticed his tail was shredded, I thought he might have done it to himself, which would have been very Albert Fishish :p
Haha, Albert Fish.. that's great!

But why don't you put them in one tank so they could have some fun? ;)

He will most likely shred her to pieces... breeding Bettas is actually quite hard.
You can only do it a few times a year, and you must make sure the male is READY for the female or else he will kill her.
(usually the male is ready when he prepares a 'bubble sack' on top of the water for the eggs, but since bettas are 'inbreds' in the domestic pet industry-
their fighting genes are weak, and also their 'rediness' for breeding )
Then the breeding process actually should take place in a 10 gallon tank, and not a 1.5 habitat.. You'll need a sponge-filter, and a lot of patience...
Once the female is fertile, you must remove the male... when she starts laying eggs, the female needs to be removed too.. The little baby bettas are microscopic at first.. (which is why you'd use a sponge filter)

anyhoo..................................... who cares.

Cara's fish look healthy and they look great!!

heh, I'm such a nerd :cool:
He will most likely shred her to pieces... breeding Bettas is actually quite hard.
You can only do it a few times a year, and you must make sure the male is READY for the female or else he will kill her.
(usually the male is ready when he prepares a 'bubble sack' on top of the water for the eggs, but since bettas are 'inbreds' in the domestic pet industry-
their fighting genes are weak, and also their 'rediness' for breeding )
Then the breeding process actually should take place in a 10 gallon tank, and not a 1.5 habitat.. You'll need a sponge-filter, and a lot of patience...
Once the female is fertile, you must remove the male... when she starts laying eggs, the female needs to be removed too.. The little baby bettas are microscopic at first.. (which is why you'd use a sponge filter)

anyhoo..................................... who cares.

Cara's fish look healthy and they look great!!

heh, I'm such a nerd :cool:

Yeah, it's dangerous for the fish, and difficult overall. I would never think about trying to breed them for those reasons. I rather like them alive! I'm not 100% sure but I've heard and read that black females or females with a lot of black on them are sometimes infertile anyway.
originally had to work, then one of the guys volunteered to take my hrs, then he couldn't because he was switching departments, then he finds out that they need him to cashier tomorrow ... so i have the day off again. got some bud from a friend of mine and i'm going to a smoke shop with some chicks tomorrow to buy a new piece. score.
COBOT Commander?

just kickin back playing some Secret of Mana
I found that image you were avataring before.
