say something about ... yourself!

Finished the fish tank. I did put some conditioner in the water, but from here on everything else is Derick's deal. It's going to have 1 or 2 dwarf puffers :)

Cara, I've actually been considering getting a Betta fish for the hell of it, I've been looking into it, but I'm curious as to what is the best approach to which food and which atmosphere it needs.
Well, they need a warm and clean environment. Preferably a gallon or more to swim around in. I would definitely recommend something with a ventilated hood because they are known to jump. A hood with a light is even better, for heat! As for plants, silk or live plants. Plastic plants can tear their fins. I keep mine in filtered tanks and have been doing full water changes every 2 weeks, but at the advice of Karen and Lesa I will probably stop doing that and just do partial changes every week. But if you're going to keep the fish in an unfiltered tank or bowl then you'll probably need to do an almost full change every week.

As for food, they like freeze dried blood worms, but I only feed mine Hikari Bio-Gold pellets, which they also like A LOT. The pellets float, so it's easy to watch and make sure that the fish ate all of them. Flakes and worms can sink before the fish has a chance to see them, then that junks up the water if they don't eat them.

As Karen and Lesa have mentioned in the betta thread, live plants and a snail can be a good addition!
I'm going to start breeding hybrid guppies again, I think. I was also thinking about breeding a pure strain of Endler's Livebearers, since they're pretty much extinct in the wild now.


They are beautiful, and there's so much potential when it comes to pattern/color/tail variations.
Yay Lesa!

The only experience I've had with baby fish was when I purchased a black molly, not knowing it was pregnant. "Buckwheat" started to look swollen after a while and I thought she was sick, then one morning I woke up and thought she had disintegrated when I saw black specks floating all over the top of the water lol! Nope, just "Wheaties" :p

Of course I had no idea where to start with baby fish, and then my physical therapy ended and I went back to Maryland. With my mom's care several of them made it a while, but only one Wheatie lived to be an adult.
Once my manager gets back I'm going to Specialty's Cafe to get one of these:

Alfalfa Sprouts, Herb, Mayonnaise, Stone Ground Mustard, Roasted Turkey Breast, Swiss, Green Leaf Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, Cucumber, Dill Pickle, Avocado, Italian Vinaigrette, Ranch Dressing, Black Pepper.

But no alfalfa sprouts or black peppers!
I'm going to start breeding hybrid guppies again, I think. I was also thinking about breeding a pure strain of Endler's Livebearers, since they're pretty much extinct in the wild now.


They are beautiful, and there's so much potential when it comes to pattern/color/tail variations.

Member when we had to kill pretty much that whole batch of guppies?
That was sucky.
Yeah. I felt so awful. I bought 3 beautiful new guppies from our local (very much trusted) pet shop, and they were carrying some sort of flesh-eating thing that took out my whole lot of livebearers, including the special strain that I developed.

They were carrying it even after I quarantined them.

They seemed fine, and then my females stopped eating, became thin, shakey and were basically eaten alive by this thing. Skin, fins and all. I literally tried everything: salt dips, melafix, fungal and bacterial meds, etc, and I eventually had to euthanize them. They were obviously in misery.

I think that ended my guppy breeding for the time being.
Yeah. I felt so awful. I bought 3 beautiful new guppies from our local (very much trusted) pet shop, and they were carrying some sort of flesh-eating thing that took out my whole lot of livebearers, including the special strain that I developed.

They were carrying it even after I quarantined them.

They seemed fine, and then my females stopped eating, became thin, shakey and were basically eaten alive by this thing. Skin, fins and all. I literally tried everything: salt dips, melafix, fungal and bacterial meds, etc, and I eventually had to euthanize them. They were obviously in misery.

I think that ended my guppy breeding for the time being.

Was that the same time that they got the funky spine problems. Rickets or whatever its called.