say something about ... yourself!

As amazing as their stuff is on an album, the live show looks like it would annihilate everything in existence.

I'm waiting very patiently for May.
wow that video looks pretty intense, too bad I really haven't liked anything I've heard from them. maybe someday i'll randomly see them live by accident and end up liking them.

I just finished watching American Beauty and American History X (the 2 having names like that wasn't planned) but I'd never seen American Beauty. It was alright and kinda funny and the twist was good but I liked American History X better, even though I've seen it before.
I'm in a bit of a tricky situation with this outside Graphic Designer we use at work. He has been doing ALL of my company's design work for 20 years, quite frankly, he sucks. Now that myself and another have taken on the roll we are making changes. He is a very nice person, talks some good talk but his work lacks depth, doesn't pop and is just tired and safe. Which I think he is.
We were given a directive for 2009 that we as a company were not going to change, he was to stay. Fine. I kind of feel bad because as a relatively new person to a design position I don't know (feel) if I have the right to play art director. Though he is working for us. He has tons of exeperience but his work just doesn't do it for me and many others.
People who know me, know that though I'm well spoken, I say stuff blatantly and I am almost to the point of telling him that all of this isn't good enough.
We internally are in serious discussions of not using him next year. I hope that happens.

Strange spot to be in.
i just had a pint of ben & jerry's.

i *think* this urinary tract thing has cleared up. i bummed some generic antibiotics from a chick i know, took them, and think everything's back to normal, so i can finally get back to the gym. plus i have spring break coming up so i'll have a lot more time to go out and take walks.
Been going to the gym a lot more than usual the last few weeks. 4-5 times. Got some good stuff going on, feelin' nice and sore. Talked to a co-worker who is a university hockey player, mentioned some good stuff about working out that I'd been ignoring.

The one biggest thing to toning muscle, is to always switch it up. Don't let your body get used to a work out.
TYLER!!!! I just now saw your PM. :( I'm soooo sorry I never responded.

Please accept my apology... and these boobs.

Tyler loves it when you say it with boobies! :D

No news. People are driving me nuts at home, and I'm freezing to death. Well I'm cold right after being hot, and having Alex open all the windows. They are kind of hard to open and close. Anyhow, I must ask him to close them again. He's gonna make fun of me for it I just know it.
That sucks Laura. But I'm sure they'll just give you a full course of antibiotics that will kick it's ass once and for all. I'm getting a cold too, or, something.

And I'm craving Church's fried chicken :erk:

Ok not a cold, obviously PMS :lol:
Taking a break from making a background for Derick's aquarium. It's actually done, the paint just has to dry before I can attach it. I think it'll look nifty though. Next, rinsing 20 pounds of gravel, yay!