^ AGREED!!!!
The bigger one on the picture is a gallon- and actually that's an ideal size for them. One gallon and up- but never below a gallon.
The bigger bowl is similar to what I have at home for two of my bettas actually. (the other 3 are all in a 1.5-2)
The main issue with smaller tanks is really the water quality that goes bad quicker in a small tank Vs. bigger tank. Another issue I have a problem with, is all those 'gimmick' shaped tanks make it REALLY hard to clean and maintain: so people by nature, get lazy with cleaning the tanks properly, which leads to shorter life span and death for bettas... It sucks!!
Plus, those skull-shapes, wall balls, glass bricks and all those stupid tanks will look dirtier with algae after one month.
The reason so many people are idiots about bettas is because pet stores don't 'educate' people who buy them. When I managed my store that was my biggest issue with some people who worked there....
a customer comes to the register with one male beta, one female betta and one tank: it's the cashier's responsibility to ask him: "sir, are you going to put them together?"
also: people who buy small tanks for the bettas: educate them... show them other options etc... you know????
Bettas are awesome... some people say: "oh its only a fish" but they are awesome fish with tones of personality (I know you know what I mean!)
and plus, they are so cool.
I remember this lady came to my store and kept buying bettas, one day I approached her and asked how many bettas she has.. she told me: "just one, because their life span is so short I keep buying more and more..."
I told her: "uh no... they actually live for about 2-3 years with proper care, what is your cleaning schedule / tank setup"?
She told me: They live in a flower vase ... I put flowers, and fish in the water... (most flowers that are sold- are toxic for fish...)
She said: "no one ever told me I can't do that!"
Cara, that woman must have bought... (and killed...) at least 15 fish if not more

stupid, stupid stupid.
Her, and the employees who never told her...