Last night was fun with am utterly disgusting element thrown in. Lamb of God played at The Paramount and we had worked out a stage announcement for my radio show. They told us we could do it after Children of Bodom played. So we get to the venue and get our passes and head backstage. Children of Bodom is currently playing and we're sitting there watching. I've always HATED Children of Bodom and they're one of very few bands I have absolutely nothing good to say about. I don't know what they're like as people but hearing them and seeing them live annoys me to no end.
Anyways, we're standing there watching them from the side of the stage when the tour manager comes and tells us we can go do our announcement as soon as they finish. So they finish and eventually Steve says to me "Kevin that's your cue, go! Center mic!" I have no idea where he got the idea that my "cue" was just given but I went out there regardless and he followed. I grabbed the center mic which still had Alexi's popguard on it and brought it up to my mouth and said "Check check check." It wasn't live. SO then I tapped it with my left hand and it wasn't working, so we walked back off stage. It was then that it finally registered in my mind that the popguard on the mic was COVERED in Alexi's spit and that I now had it all over my mouth and both hands. I guess it's karma for not keeping my mouth shut about how much I hate that band haha.
So I suppose Alexi wins this time. I get his DNA all over my face and the microphone didn't even work. We had to walk off the stage like jackasses lol. Fortunately we were able to do our announcement a few minutes later before Suicidal played.
On a random note, they weren't allowing re-entry into this show and for the last few years it's been illegal to smoke inside public establishments. Last night reminded me how awesome that is because all the smokers were lighting up cigarettes in the venue all night and it stunk like hell and I hate breathing in tobacco smoke. I highly approve of not being allowed to smoke indoors, but geez, at least fence off an area outside a door where the smokers can go or something so they're not forced to irritate everybody else.
After that I spent some time on the rocks at the beach and stared at the moon with it's huge atmospheric ring surrounding it. Trippy awesome stuff.
All in all, a good day.