say something about ... yourself!

So. I have a mass on one ovary, several cysts on the other, and a fucked up liver. I'm having blood work and a possible biopsy done next week. Unless I die before then.

I've changed my mind on being an atheist, there is a God and he fucking hates me.
Oh come now, no time for bitter backsliding. The only reason one should believe in Jesus is because they want to kick him in the nuts. I haven't seen him in some time, though. I think he still hangs out at your dispatch job. All should turn out ok, though, don't start drinking just yet. *nods*
Oh come now, no time for bitter backsliding. The only reason one should believe in Jesus is because they want to kick him in the nuts. I haven't seen him in some time, though. I think he still hangs out at your dispatch job. All should turn out ok, though, don't start drinking just yet. *nods*

The pain is ruptured cysts and the fluid leaking into my abdomen and back. It's all because of Jesus! Fucking Jew.
Yes... luck is you don't have peritonitis yet, but good luck, indeed. So I'm not concerned for your health at this point.
Shall the males be forced to play basketball to fund your obsession with cats and to buy you a small, run down cottage?