say something about ... yourself!

Trying to figure out what this weird noise is that Derick and I have heard in my room a few times. We first heard it a few weeks ago, between 5:00 and 5:30 AM. It was a very loud, disturbing "CHUGCHUGCHUG - Binnnnnnnnnnnng!"

The "bing" at the end was very high pitched and eardrum piercing. I thought "wtf am I crazy?" but Derick heard it too. We thought maybe my dad was messing with a new gadget or something in the kitchen, because the sound came from the wall that connects to the kitchen.

A few weeks pass by...then this morning (at the same time) while I was in deep sleep and having a dream, something startled me awake and just as I woke up I thought I had heard the same "CHUGCHUGCHUG" but this time without the "binnnnnnnng." But, I wasn't sure so I just kinda laid there half asleep for a while. Then it happened AGAIN, three times in a row. It woke Derick up and he was looking around for a cause. This time it came from the wall that connects to our living room, and the cubby in the wall that has the washing machine hookups apparently shook and some things we keep in there fell out.

Something to do with pressure in water pipes I guess? It is such a weird and disturbing sound!
Today I tried to list something really heavy and put it on a top shelf, and by accident I put it on my ring-finger and it hurt so much I twitched and while still holding that heavy thing up, I pulled a muscle in my back
and I was in such pain.... finger AND back at the same time.. so I crawled to the living room and layed on the floor all hurt, and Shrike came immidietly and start licking my finger (how did he know?)
and layed beside me and tried to make me feel better... it was really cute.

My back is fine now btw, thanks for asking
Today I tried to list something really heavy and put it on a top shelf, and by accident I put it on my ring-finger and it hurt so much I twitched and while still holding that heavy thing up, I pulled a muscle in my back
and I was in such pain.... finger AND back at the same time.. so I crawled to the living room and layed on the floor all hurt, and Shrike came immidietly and start licking my finger (how did he know?)
and layed beside me and tried to make me feel better... it was really cute.

My back is fine now btw, thanks for asking
aww, instinctive puppy

glad you didn't hurt anything seriously, kawen!
Shrike knows me so well. One time I got really bad news from home, and I was on the phone with my mom crying my eyes out, and shrike came politely into the room where I was and slowly walked towards me and placed his favorite toy (back then it was this plush racoon) in my lap and sat next to me and looked at me.. really sweet :)
Shrike knows me so well. One time I got really bad news from home, and I was on the phone with my mom crying my eyes out, and shrike came politely into the room where I was and slowly walked towards me and placed his favorite toy (back then it was this plush racoon) in my lap and sat next to me and looked at me.. really sweet

i remember after i got my second eye surgery, i was being led into my house, not being able to see, and our old dog, bandit, who was never really affectionate with people (he was mellow - not really one to go up to you and nose at you or anything) came up to me and started licking my hand. i miss that dog :(