say something about ... yourself!

haha uh i dont think the place is big enough for a party (the whole apartment is probably not even 3/4 the size of my current living room). Probably won't have another real party once i move there. I'll prolly have a final one here before i move out though.

ok, let us know when it is, and I'll probably leave my name on the walls,too.
Nap Tim *yawns*
Nap Tim likes naps.

It's absolutely gorgeous outside and I'm stuck at work forEVER tonight. I HATE HATE HATE the day before going on vacation. I thought the whole point of vacation was to bail out and leave all your shit for someone else to do while you're gone, but apparently not. Yay for a week's worth of work in one night :(
Undertaker: Excuse me, Mr. Eastwood. I just need your measurement.
[measures Marty]
Marty McFly: Aw, look, pal. I don't wanna buy a suit.
Undertaker: [chuckles] No. This is for your coffin.
Marty McFly: [realizing what is going on] My coffin?
Undertaker: Well, the odds are running 2 to 1 against you. Might as well be prepared.