say something about ... yourself!

"I ammmmmm smellin like a rose that somebody gave me on my birthday death bed.

Whoooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Erestrer rer natuuuuuural

Sttttooone Teeemple Piooolet keeep it queeeiite

I forgot the lyrics.
I have to do my stupid PI license renewal crap today and I dern wanna. Narp.

This is crap.

"Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will remain on your credit report for:

-7 years from the filing date
-10 years from the filing date
-7 years from the discharge date
-10 years from the discharge date"

I know it's 10 years. The study guide they gave me at work states a couple of pages in that it's from the discharge date, then a couple more pages in it states from the filing date. SO WHICH IS IT, THIS IS RETARDED. This is pissing me off.