say something about ... yourself!

Had a great day yesterday. Woke up, went to the gym... had a great workout. My sister's boyfriend and I drove into Seattle, only took us about 2 1/2 hours. Watched the Gojira show. Which, by the way, was absolutely amazing. The other bands were pretty shitty... The Chariot had a hell of a live show, but the music wasn't anything to be impressed about.

Ran into Kevin with 'bout a minute left in Gojira's encore, somehow he ended up in front of me. Was awesome seein' ya Kev, sorry I had to jet, I wanted to try and make it home before 3am. I'll be down sometime in the summer, we should go for a hike or somethin'.

So anyways, the drive home was between 12:30am and 3am... took me 2 hours to get home. Gotta be a new record for me.

Anyways, early day today, limited sleep... another gym run this morning to get to.
Yeah Gojira did some rape, fer sure. I lost my shit when Joe said "OK this next song is for all you double bass drums lovers!" I couldn't stop laughing until halfway through the song hahaha. Good times :)
Yeah Gojira did some rape, fer sure. I lost my shit when Joe said "OK this next song is for all you double bass drums lovers!" I couldn't stop laughing until halfway through the song hahaha. Good times :)

That got me into the pit, pushing people around. I haven't been in a pit in a couple years, it was quite refreshing.
Woe at Kung Fu Necktie?

Greatest band name ever. Unless the band's name is Woe, who is playing at a place called Kung Fu Necktie, which is still a pretty cool name for a place.
I really enjoy Mexican food. I eat it all the time, but it always messes my stomach up. Why do I do this? I have such a weak stomach. :(