say something about ... yourself!

got a really bad headache yesterday and it turned into a fever once i got to work - my skin was hot, i was sweating profusely, felt weak and shaky, could barely walk - then took some excedrin and felt better. odd.
Haven't said anything here about this yet because I've really been trying to wrap my head around it all. I am still having trouble and I'm not sure the full reality has hit me yet, but one of my cousins from Arizona was in a really nasty car accident this past weekend. He's currently hooked up to a breathing machine in Intensive Care with 7 broken ribs, a shattered leg, a shattered pelvis, and doctors are saying they're not sure when or if he'll ever walk again. He can't talk or move. The worst part is that this is ALL I know. At this point I'm just assuming that no news is good news.

He's only a couple years older than me, has a wife and 2 very young kids. I can't imagine how they must feel right now. Not really sure what else to think or do right now, this is pretty surreal.

Oh, also the guy that hit him fled the scene but was fortunately captured a couple hours later and is currently sitting in jail where hopefully he will end up staying for a very long fucking time.
I'm so sorry about your cousin Kevin, not that it improves or helps him in any way but at least the person responsible for his condition is where he deserves to be and didn't get away with just trying to escape his responsibility.

I'll send good vibes his way, hopefully he makes it okay and makes a good recovery ::hugs::
I keep thinking that I'm recovering from this damn appendectomy, and then I start feeling sick again. I worked a full day yesterday and it was exhausting, but I made it through and actually felt better at the end of the day than I did in the morning. But today I woke up with a headache, a stomach ache, and a bad cough, and every time I stand up I feel like I'm going to vomit. I missed both of my finals and have asked for Incompletes because I really don't see any other choice. I'm hoping that by tonight I at least lose the headache because I need to sew an order that I've been putting off since the surgery. Luckily the chick is cool and understanding about it, but I feel bad and just want to get it done.

In conclusion, appendectomies are totally gay and I don't recommend ever needing one.