say something about ... yourself!

If he had gotten really fat and then died we could've said "You're gonna need a bigger coffin!!!!" and had a good round of laffies

but he didn't :(
My neck just went out while I was drying my hair. This hurts insanely bad and I can only keep my head tilted all the way to left to alleviate any sort of pain. This SUCKS and I'm supposed to work in 2 hours :(

Anyone got any pills?
my neck muscles have been twitching a lot for the past few days. the twitches themselves aren't painful, but after a while my neck starts getting sore ... would anything work to make them stop? are muscle relaxers what you use in this case or what?

i've had instances like this randomly for a while now, whether it's spasms in my arm or leg muscles or like ... this constant need to stretch out my back muscles, like they don't twitch, but just tingle a lot and i need to stretch them. stupid defective body.
I did the same thing. I could have gone to Liverslappers and smoked that $50 of weed out of his new pipe and played his C-7 Hellraiser but nooooo I didn't wanna go. :bah:
aww, we'll all get properly fucked up in chicago.

... well, you guys will probobly get properly fucked up tomorrow night, but, as of how, chicago is all i have to look forward to in the ways of getting properly fucked up