say something about ... yourself!

My neck just went out while I was drying my hair. This hurts insanely bad and I can only keep my head tilted all the way to left to alleviate any sort of pain. This SUCKS and I'm supposed to work in 2 hours :(

Anyone got any pills?
I don't. I went to a friends house to pay back the money I owe him, saw a bunch of pills, asked what did what, then requested one to keep me awake so my internal schedule won't be messed up Monday morning.

Kevin I saw the fight you posted the gif of over there. I also saw...Brock Lesner? Is he the wrestler? His second fight where he should have one but they got him for punching the back of the guys head.
That shit does keep you awake. Ive been taking Focalin XR for a while now, boy is it like a switch. It kicks in, wide awake, it wears off, you feel like you're gonna fall asleep standing up.


lil' bears!!!! awwww!!! :oops:
Geez, I didn't see this. Were you in the area? Or just yankin' mah chain?
i was kidding, as i don't know where you live and i think i posted that last night before having to wake up really early to go to jersey the next day ... but if it was at such a time when i could drive to your place for alcohol a fun times, i would most definitely try to make it happen!
i was kidding, as i don't know where you live and i think i posted that last night before having to wake up really early to go to jersey the next day ... but if it was at such a time when i could drive to your place for alcohol a fun times, i would most definitely try to make it happen!

That'd rock socks. Remember where the pizza place and Starbucks are in Towson that we ate at? I'm about 100 yards south of that. :)
My weekend was uneventful.
I had a party to go to on Saturday to which I didn't go to, and as we speak some of my friends are having beers at this cool bar in DC and I declined the invitation.
I have no idea, but sometimes I like "not to go to places" - is that wierd?

My weekend was uneventful.
I had a party to go to on Saturday to which I didn't go to, and as we speak some of my friends are having beers at this cool bar in DC and I declined the invitation.
I have no idea, but sometimes I like "not to go to places" - is that wierd?


I did the same thing. I could have gone to Liverslappers and smoked that $50 of weed out of his new pipe and played his C-7 Hellraiser but nooooo I didn't wanna go. :bah: