say something about ... yourself!

Haha, thanks Will. I have to put up with him until he leaves next Friday. He had the nerve to bring his girlfriend over here "my mom lives here" and I apparantly "gave her a dirty look" they both picked up on, so three times in the last few days he's gone ape shit on me. I think he's on coke again.

But hearing that makes me happy. Any man that would beat up his son and wife is a pussy, I'd murder him if I could get away with it.

My Dad is much like yours, except he was sober and just crazy. I've seen him 3 times since 2000, and have not spoke to him in 3 years now. Kevin is right though, best thing to do is cut your loses. The one thing I learned is that your never going to make them see, or pay for what they have done. As he turns into an old man he's still going to think he's done nothing wrong, so fuck him. There will always be a part of you that doesn't want to hate him, and a part of you that always will. But, it sure feels better when they are not around to create new wounds, or dig up old ones.
Imagine someday when she has a real job and has to get up at 6 like the rest of us.
6am?! FUCK that. I'd rather be unemployed lol. At 6am this morning, I peeled myself off the couch and went to bed after passing out earlier :kickass:

I've been waking up at 9:30 for work lately. Even THAT is almost too early for me haha.
Get up at 6:30
Walk to train 7:10-7:25
Ride train 7:30-7:55
Ride shuttle from train station to work 8:00-8:20
Work 8:30-5:30
Catch shuttle from work to train 5:35-5:45
Sit on my ass at train station 5:45-6:20
Ride train 6:20-6:45
Walk home: 6:45-7:00

Anyone want to trade commutes? :erk: