a prophet in cosmology
You should turn around and squirt them right back.

You should turn around and squirt them right back.
You should turn around and squirt them right back.
Haha, thanks Will. I have to put up with him until he leaves next Friday. He had the nerve to bring his girlfriend over here "my mom lives here" and I apparantly "gave her a dirty look" they both picked up on, so three times in the last few days he's gone ape shit on me. I think he's on coke again.
But hearing that makes me happy. Any man that would beat up his son and wife is a pussy, I'd murder him if I could get away with it.
"Interning" at the church in the art department again. Getting up before 11 is not fun.
...11? oh, the sacrifices you make to Jesus
6am?! FUCK that. I'd rather be unemployed lol. At 6am this morning, I peeled myself off the couch and went to bed after passing out earlierImagine someday when she has a real job and has to get up at 6 like the rest of us.