a prophet in cosmology
It's been a long week. I got a lot of spring cleaning done, went shopping, and I got some cute new pajamas, and some perfume lotion from the body works shop.It was buy two get two free. I got Dancing Waters, Mango Mandarin, Sensual Amber, Sweet pea, and a purse sized bottle of Black Amethyst lotion. I smell pretty damn good right now in my new pajamas! I also went yard sale hopping, but really did not find anything worth buying.
Awesome! I love Sweet Pea, I have a plug-in for my bedroom in that scent. Moonlight Path, Lilac Blossom, and Butterfly Flower are my other favorites. I drop so much money there. I'm bout to go yard/estate sale hopping and look for some frames for a project I have in mind. Too bad you don't live here, we could be shopping buddies!