say something about ... yourself!

I don't know why Kevin's so damn happy with this weather. I live in this area specifically because I enjoy 60 degrees and overccast. Don't like the rain mind you, but overcast is nice. I've been wearing nothing but boxer shorts and a muscle shirt all day, with window fans going everywhere, and all other windows open. i'm still sweating my ass off. damn this heat.
I just love summer and hot weather. I hate cold weather and winter. Sunshine and warmth makes me feel alive, especially when it's still really warm out at night.
I don't know why Kevin's so damn happy with this weather. I live in this area specifically because I enjoy 60 degrees and overccast. Don't like the rain mind you, but overcast is nice. I've been wearing nothing but boxer shorts and a muscle shirt all day, with window fans going everywhere, and all other windows open. i'm still sweating my ass off. damn this heat.

I agree with you man, I can't stand this shit. I don't like waking up multiple times in the middle of the night because it is so fucking hot. Dealing with cold weather is so fucking easy when compared with hot weather. You can simply use more blankets when it is cold but you're fucked if it is too hot. This is Western Washington, nobody has fucking air conditioning in their house.
I do find it weird, honestly. I lived in Eastern Washington between ages 3-9 and the summers there are horrendous. I'm Italian so it's not like I have an ethnic background that comes from a cold country, like Russia. I'm practically the only person I know who can't stand this shit. My eyes are also light sensitive so the sun can hurt at times.

Edit: Laura you fucking hooker. You done fucked up the consecutive posts....drink a shit ton of water, may help your headache.
I'm a good 75% Norwegian, if not more. so cold is my area. I always argue with my wife that it's easier to warm up than it is to cool down, but she just argues that she doesn't like the cold. not a good argument, i know.

I don't ever remember the temperature around these parts topping 75 or 80 before I hit about age 12. I do believe global warming is real - though I don't think humans are the only cause.
Ha! That's a horrible argument but I will say that I know quite a few people who have the same argument. I've been here since 1992 and honestly, I don't remember this heat either. I agree with global warming and think that it's a major contribution to the changes in weather. Because of this shit, I think I'm going to take everything out of my minifridge in my computer room and disconnect it for the summer. I'm sure that is a major contribution to the heat in that room, where I spend most of my time.
not a bad idea. I've started unplugging a lot of heat-producing stuff too, but the PC has to stay on. We aren't using our clothes dryer even.

I think that 'global warming' is a natural cycle. Looking through history there have always been waves of colder climate that lasted decades, and the warmer climate for decades, etc etc. I saw a tv show that put it in terms I agree with 100%. We're not causing global warming, but we ARE helping it along.
I'm getting ready to hop on the train to NYC again. This time... Chuck Barris!
