say something about ... yourself!

May want to look for config files or listeners that are using the old hostname. I see that so often I make everyone use localhost wherever the machine name is referenced to save future headaches.

I've looked and everything is using the current hostname. There is some issue with Altiris interacting with the database but it doesn't really make any sense because the credentials supplied are correct for it to have access to the database, both of which reside on localhost. I'm poking around the database a bit to see if I can come across anything out of place.
I just wanna tell you... pork and rabe sandwiches that have traveled 2000 miles in 6 hours? Fucking excellent tasting.

Uncle brought some tony lukes Cheesesteaks with rabes also... god damn.

Tomorrow is my sisters graduation. Plan? Get drunk (uncles already loaded 6 flasks with jager), show up, make her feel embarrassed... mission complete.
get dem holez

Git EM! Sick em!

In other news, My cat got so scared of the storm today that she went pee all over my lap. :erk: On one hand, pewr crazy thing, on the other hand, poor me!

Also, I tripped over the dog, and hit the floor, the bird was hurt all day because his toy broke. SO all of the animals had a bad day today.

In other news, yesterday, Alex has decided, way out of the blue, that he is quiting smoking. The good news is, he's not expecting me too, and I'm not expecting him to quit the other thing he smokes. SO we both win. I'm avoiding doing it in front of him, and got him a shit load of fruit stripes gum. Oh, and I had stocked him with plenty of slim jims, and other goodies that might help. He is trying this cold turkey, lets see how it goes. :) He's a stronger man then I am, but I love the shit out of him.