say something about ... yourself!

The Dancing Plague of 1500 something that took place in France creeps me the hell out. When I'm trying to sleep in my dark room I look over and picture some crazy French woman dancing herself to death.
honestly, a travelling gypsy healer really does sound pretty hot, and rather intriguing to boot.

Have you ever seen a real gypsy? I'm not talking about some rich hippie chick who backpacks through Europe on her parents' dime.

The pic Max posted is like Miss America in comparison. She even has most of her teeth. Add about 100 pounds to that, take away at least 5 more teeth, and put two kids in each arm and add about 4 more to sneak up behind you and steal your wallet while their mother asks you for money.
I'll heal you for half the price and with double the sex. It's all placebo anyways.

Chris, what is the gypsy situation in Italy? It's quite bad here. I couldn't give a toss about alternative lifestyles, but they drain the system here like there is no tomorrow, and they're all unkempt, rude, thieving bastards. Not to put too fine a spin on it.
Yep, estimates have a half million of them living here destroying free houses and claiming huge amounts of social benefits as they produce child after child. It's a controversial issue.
I'll be darned if I didn't have a dream last night of my pet bullfrog eating spiders that kept climbing on my bed. It also peed on my mom. Hehehehe.

Going to Gettysburg today with Dad and hopefully oldest sister for the 3rd Day Battle anniversary.

Don't see Public Enemies. It wasn't good. It wasn't horrible. But it was so hard to connect to the movie and the action scenes were filmed with a handcam, making it look like a crappy reenaction they use on the History channel.
I'll heal you for half the price and with double the sex. It's all placebo anyways.

Chris, what is the gypsy situation in Italy? It's quite bad here. I couldn't give a toss about alternative lifestyles, but they drain the system here like there is no tomorrow, and they're all unkempt, rude, thieving bastards. Not to put too fine a spin on it.

Everything you said, Derek. They ruin the communities they settle in, stealing and thieving their way through life and bringing the quality of life in certain areas down. Here it's really not that bad as there isn't a really big metropolitan city nearby, but Rome is getting pretty bad.

The only good thing that I can say about the Italian government breaking their own laws is that sometimes it works out for the best. They've begun targeting specifically gypsies, and while many people say it's racism, many more people are content to be labeled racists if it means protecting their neighborhoods. The gov't has actually taken bulldozers and demolished their makeshift slums they've created on the outskirts of cities because they've banned people from squatting.

Surprisingly, the Italian populace has been quite level-headed over immigration of the eastern European countries. It's nothing like the U.S. mental retardation after 9/11 and their "you ain't from round here, are ya boy?" attitude towards people of Middle Eastern descent. On the contrary, there has been a clear distinction among the people between immigrants and gypsies, which is surprising.

Italians are known to be what I call "friendly racists"; some of their views which they express quite openly, even unwittingly, can be quite racist at times, and they don't even realize it. They're quite wary of anyone that's not white or Italian, but they don't get to the level of judging anyone before meeting them. They have quite rude stereotypes, but almost like a child get the feeling of innocence and that they mean no harm by it. It's far from hatred and a long way from the type of racism in the US that I grew up around.

Most of the people here are just angry that the immigrants qualify for more state aid than Italy's own citizens, and that has ruffled a few feathers, as it should. But that's a completely different argument and story altogether.

I'll see if I can find some interesting nightly news briefings here about the gypsies on Youtube and post them.
Everything you said, Derek. They ruin the communities they settle in, stealing and thieving their way through life and bringing the quality of life in certain areas down. Here it's really not that bad as there isn't a really big metropolitan city nearby, but Rome is getting pretty bad.

The only good thing that I can say about the Italian government breaking their own laws is that sometimes it works out for the best. They've begun targeting specifically gypsies, and while many people say it's racism, many more people are content to be labeled racists if it means protecting their neighborhoods. The gov't has actually taken bulldozers and demolished their makeshift slums they've created on the outskirts of cities because they've banned people from squatting.

Surprisingly, the Italian populace has been quite level-headed over immigration of the eastern European countries. It's nothing like the U.S. mental retardation after 9/11 and their "you ain't from round here, are ya boy?" attitude towards people of Middle Eastern descent. On the contrary, there has been a clear distinction among the people between immigrants and gypsies, which is surprising.

Italians are known to be what I call "friendly racists"; some of their views which they express quite openly, even unwittingly, can be quite racist at times, and they don't even realize it. They're quite wary of anyone that's not white or Italian, but they don't get to the level of judging anyone before meeting them. They have quite rude stereotypes, but almost like a child get the feeling of innocence and that they mean no harm by it. It's far from hatred and a long way from the type of racism in the US that I grew up around.

Most of the people here are just angry that the immigrants qualify for more state aid than Italy's own citizens, and that has ruffled a few feathers, as it should. But that's a completely different argument and story altogether.

I'll see if I can find some interesting nightly news briefings here about the gypsies on Youtube and post them.

That is almost an exact summary of my experiences here too.

A few politicians here speak against them, and have been labelled racist. One Mayor decided to move them out of his city because they were such a problem, which he managed through various laws that indirectly meant they must move form their residences.

He also advocated a policy of taking gypsy children away from the families and sending them to some kind of boarding school. That never got very far, but it has quite wide support.

It's a joke around here that anyone on a good enough wage (and so pays the corresponding taxes) keeps a gypsy family.

It's a quandary right enough.
Here is a news clip about gypsy squatters. In Italy it's mandatory that all children go to school...they don't have to be citizens, they can be here illegally, it doesn't matter. If you have a child in your house, he/she is obliged to go to school and the state will take care of any and all expenses to make that happen. This is a clip about the gypsy kids who don't go to school, something pretty much unheard of in Italy.

It's all in Italian but take a look at their site; these people live like this, and to tell you the truth this one isn't even that bad. I didn't see any refrigerators and stoves in the middle of the road and a bed next to a tree. Also, gypsies are called "Roma" in Italian. A "Rom" is a gypsy and "Roma" is the plural. This is not to be confused with the city of Rome, which is also pronounced Roma.

Then again, that's where most of them are so maybe there is very little distinction after all.

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