say something about ... yourself!

Last night, when he had just finished helping me put food and stuff in my car for a friend's cookout, my dad asks if there was a certain time I had to be at the cookout. I don't know why I didn't say yes, but I told him it just kinda happens and you show up whenever. 9:30pm, my dad decided to take my mom's car out for a test drive after replacing the alternator because it kept dying. I needed to follow him to the shop and drive him back home. So I facepalmed back into the house to get something as he left when not a minute from my house I get a call from Dad saying the car stalled. So I spent the next 45min/hour wondering why my dad would do things like this at a stupid hour of the day instead of the next morning when we could get his friend to tow it just in case. By the time I got to the cookout, people were ready to go inside and watching a movie.

And today I was planning on going to the apartment to finish bringing home the small stuff, only to find that Mom took my car to work instead of having Dad drop her off like they've been doing. And no one bothered to leave me a note or a text about what was going on. Urgh.
I left when I was 15, I'd just had enough. I spent a while living with relatives and friends while I finished high school then I went to University as early as possible. I have a really great relationship with my family now and I credit it to the early move. As it happens, I credit many positive things to leaving so early.
I don't hate my family. Just the opposite. And for the most part, living back home with them hasn't been too horrible. There are, however, these little quirks that my parents have that make me want to punch small babies.

If I had the finances, I'd move out, but still live in the same town. I like living here too much.
My relationship with my immediate family was good to begin with, but it got even better the instant I finally left the nest. My sister moved out before me and as soon as she did, we became best friends. Not living with my family has helped me appreciate them a million times more.

I'm with Emily though, in that I wouldn't ever want to be too far away from them. Lots of my friends' families live out of state and I just don't think I could ever handle not being able to see my family whenever I wanted. But damn it sure is nice to have my own place to retreat to when I've had enough of them for the day :D
Run outside and scream her name, as you fall to your knees and flex your hands in a "holding a mystical orb" position?

That tends to get their attention.