say something about ... yourself!

Listen, what Max did here was take an upcoming PERSONAL moment, and promise to post about it. I hate to blame him for something he hasn't even done yet, but it really will be his future mistake.

This is a difficult, yet naaaatural moment, and he needs to really work out what he's going to do after he makes a really stupid thread on a forum of jackasses.

If you'll be listening, Max, it'll all be OKAY.
Come on max, pay attention to me and listen to me. Everything I say is right but I'm running out of things to tell you!
Ugh I need to watch Jesus Camp and analyze it for my Critical Thinking class. It'll be my second time watching it and putting my bias to the side and viewing it from a completely objective standpoint is really hard since I absolutely hate how they brainwash their kids into religion and basically fuck up the country and politics so badly whenever they can. It's such a sad movie. When you look at it for a Critical Thinking class though you have to be so objective; like every parent teaches values and life to their children so basically other parents could be liberally brainwashing their kids or brainwashing them with science from the viewpoint of the christian parents etc (even though I know that's the right thing to do the class is about trying to see all sides; most kids get hung up on the liberal slant of the movie and talk about how horrible the brainwashing of the kids are and how religion is so bad and how they can't believe the movie can't be real but that totally defeats the purpose of the class).
I did something to that extent in college and played it up so neutrally that it came off as damn near cynical.

Edit: Satirical. Sorry, long day.
Yeah we have to write a paper on it after but luckily I already watched it once in a contemporary issues class in highschool and my teacher was super liberal and taught us well in looking at stuff objectively and without bias so I think I'll be alright (my teacher specifically called me out and told me he liked my first midterm/essay we did in class so hopefully I'm on the right path). Without her class I probably would be totally screwed in Critical thinking; I came into the class knowing a lot of the stuff like the allegory of the cave, fallacies, already having seen jesus camp etc and none of the other kids had any even remote exposure. I guess my highschool just had some weird shit going on haha. Critical Thinking is basically the only college class I can remotely stand that keeps me interested in going, other than that taking classes where they just sit and lecture and base your grade off of 3 tests sucks gaping anus.
Yeah, I found it the only class to pique my interest enough for me to be actively involved in it. I wrote some of my best papers in it.
indeed, it's made me curious to try some other philosophy classes but I hear some of them really suck ass and can be boring as shit and not only that but I'm a Kinesiology major so I'd be basically taking the classes for no reason haha; not many classes that aren't science are important for my major (yet another reason I'm not a fan of college).
Fussing with State taxes and wanting to diiiie.

Oh, ANdrew and I went to Wondercon with Isabel:




It was incredibly fun and silly! :)
I've just been informed that I'll be eligible for a free prostate exam in 2031. There will be cake and a live band shortly before. Will post updated times and locations when available.
My little Alice fishy died yesterday. Now all I have left is Mr. Albert Fish, and Blueberry (who isn't really mine). What does all this mean?! It means that my Wal-Mart fish has outlived both of my Petsmart fish. And he was already old when I got him over a year ago! Go figure.