say something about ... yourself!

My little Alice fishy died yesterday. Now all I have left is Mr. Albert Fish, and Blueberry (who isn't really mine). What does all this mean?! It means that my Wal-Mart fish has outlived both of my Petsmart fish. And he was already old when I got him over a year ago! Go figure.

I'm sorry about your fish :(
It has nothing to do with where your fish came from, just on the fish itself.
and petsmart has shit fish quality. They barely clean those little containers..I hate Petsmart... I bought a few Bettas from them and those little cups are always nasty.

...but it sure is funny that a Walmart fish is better :cool:
...also on another note: I took Shrike for a walk about an hour ago and saw Ovechkin by his house, taking out his 'Batmobil' car. I waved and he waved back, OMG!

I went to the game on Friday day and it was AWESOME!!!!!! 5-2 win against the Thrashers \m/
and they showed the President Trophy they got in a small ceremony thingie on the ice. Fuck yeah!
What Isabel suppose to be a girl from the Housewives At Play comic?

So I hated Ki by Devin, loved Addicted and I heard there's going to be a new one coming out; have they said anything about what style it'll be like or when it's going to be released? yeah I could google it but I'm sure one of you browsing this thread knows the answer just as well and I don't even know the title so I wouldn't know where to start. Also you don't even need a chick for the above posts, shopping kicks fucking ass.
^The next album is titled "Deconstruction" and it is going to be all-out heavy metal. I think Devin said the sound is going to be what he never quite achieved with SYL (!) The release date has been post-poned until next year I think.
...also on another note: I took Shrike for a walk about an hour ago and saw Ovechkin by his house, taking out his 'Batmobil' car. I waved and he waved back, OMG!

I went to the game on Friday day and it was AWESOME!!!!!! 5-2 win against the Thrashers m/
and they showed the President Trophy they got in a small ceremony thingie on the ice. Fuck yeah!

I dont like Ovechkin, he is a double faced jerk. He can play great but on the other hand he often goes beyond the borderline in roughness (aka pointing at a couple things he did that got him suspended for a couple games but IMO those were too soft, cos he is a *STAR*). Really great players DONT do that. Really great players dont act like spoiled brats in game by doing such vicious hits. For the couple boardings he did this season, the punishments were too soft, cos he is many fans' sweetheart... But he would deserve a season-long ban for any of those.

I can list a couple slovak players - Marian Hossa (CHI), Marian Gaborik (NYR), Pavol Demitra (VAN) or Peter Bondra (former player of WSH)... Ovechkin might score more goals, be a bit faster, but still he wont be nowhere near those in my eyes as long as he wont learn how to behave... and dont blame it on him having a bad moment, everyone has bad moments, but hits like he did in this season arent bad moments, it is spoiled-brattish deliberate act... if anybody did such stuff to you in the street they would sit nice time in jail.

Anyway, go Chicago go!!!:kickass:
I dont like Ovechkin, he is a double faced jerk. He can play great but on the other hand he often goes beyond the borderline in roughness (aka pointing at a couple things he did that got him suspended for a couple games but IMO those were too soft, cos he is a *STAR*). Really great players DONT do that. Really great players dont act like spoiled brats in game by doing such vicious hits. For the couple boardings he did this season, the punishments were too soft, cos he is many fans' sweetheart... But he would deserve a season-long ban for any of those.

pfff... You just described Crosby...