say something about ... yourself!

Home on vacation after almost 5 months!...And it is strange to come home and just treat it as a place of leisure.
Been working on a cover of In Motion #1 for a few weeks off and on. Less freaked out by the mic, woo
So I turned 21 a few weeks ago and am looking for some beer recommendations to find one that I really like because so far I have been unsuccessful and don't really have money to run a trial and error, any you guys would recommend? or just alcoholic drink of choice, doesn't need to be beer.

and yes I am a complete noob at this never really had the desire to drink till now.
So I turned 21 a few weeks ago and am looking for some beer recommendations to find one that I really like because so far I have been unsuccessful and don't really have money to run a trial and error, any you guys would recommend? or just alcoholic drink of choice, doesn't need to be beer.

and yes I am a complete noob at this never really had the desire to drink till now.

If you are going to take the scotch route, I'd recommend anything from Glenmorangie. One of my favorites for a good price is their La Santa. Not sure what kind of beers are available there, but I'd recommend doing the trial and error to see what you like and try beers from the microbreweries available around there. To me, that is part of the fun, trying new shit and experimenting.

I'd start with some of the brown and pale ales and move on to the IPA's. I personally like Belgian whites a lot and if you're new to the whole beer thing, it would be a good start as well. Stouts in my opinion are hit and miss, so definitely take some recommendations on that. What turned me on to stouts was Speedway Stout from Anvil Brewing. WhiteBeast should have a better idea of what's good and what's available in the Northeast than I.
So I turned 21 a few weeks ago and am looking for some beer recommendations to find one that I really like because so far I have been unsuccessful and don't really have money to run a trial and error, any you guys would recommend? or just alcoholic drink of choice, doesn't need to be beer.

and yes I am a complete noob at this never really had the desire to drink till now.

now is a good time to lose the desire again :)
I'd start with some of the brown and pale ales and move on to the IPA's. I personally like Belgian whites a lot and if you're new to the whole beer thing, it would be a good start as well.

This is good advice. If you have a craft beer store that offers mixed six packs (usually at a 10 or 15% discount), I recommend you go in there a grab a large variety. Some beers you may want to try first, to get an idea of what styles you like (These should all be readily available in most craft beer stores):

Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale
Dogfish head 60 Minute IPA
North Coast Old Rasputin
Chimay Tripel
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier

If you find you really like one of those beers I suggest you then further explore the style or the brewery. Enjoy, beer rules!
Oh, also, if you aren't going to any specialty shops for beer, I'd recommend any of the Sam Adams beers except Cherry Wheat. My favorite would be their Summer Ale, which is seasonal. I remember the best kegger I ever had was with a that stuff. God damn that beer is good from the keg.
It's not uncommon for seasonal beers to taste slightly different every season. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes not.

Pyramid Snow Cap has been only OK in previous years, but this last winter brew season they were phenominal. That stuff is gooooooood :)