say something about ... yourself!

You'd be surprised. Although we haven't jumped on the diesel bandwagon like we should, we get some impressive MPG from some of our gasoline-powered cars. (Took us long enough.)

The Ford Fiesta for example gets 40 hwy and the Chevy Cruze gets 42 hwy. That's with no hybrid tricks. Just straight gasoline power. We also have the Chevy Volt with a electric/gas motor, though not very viable for long distance travel, that gets 60mpg.

Our car gets about 70. Put 50 bucks worth of fuel in it and it goes about 1100 km. There are hardly any hybrids here because, well, we don't need them.

Again, LOL.
Our car gets about 70. Put 50 bucks worth of fuel in it and it goes about 1100 km. There are hardly any hybrids here because, well, we don't need them.

Again, LOL.

Yeah, hybrids blow compared to diesel. I wish we could haz diesel-powered cars over her. They get better mileage, and diesel is cheaper to refine- a bi-winning situation for everyone.
I want a water-powered car :(

Haha, the narrator is pretty goofy
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Yeah that'll work until said American automaker buys his patent for 500 million dollars, an offer he won't refuse, and then they'll just put it in a safe somewhere and let it rot for the next few hundred years until all the fossil fuels/oil is used up.
Went out and raided the grocery store for gumbo stuff and a big loaf of italian bread, and because it's italian bread and italy is in europe, you know it's the best!