About to sell my beloved ENGL SE E670, which means....
Going from a 4 channel, MIDI empowered, digitally controlled, space-station of an amp, I think it's time to get back to basics and go for something
simple. Where the gain comes from slamming the thing into overdrive. Where the amp's organic soul screams bloody tone, sending weak women and children vaulting for the nearest respite.
What I'm most interested in:
Verellen Loucks (the current object of my lust)
Check out the vid: gain starts at :45, gets
heavy at 1:05
Fryette Deliverance 60 (or 120 if I'm insane)
Bad Cat Lynx (but expensive, and nearly impossible to find)
Or a vintage Ampeg V4 (by far, the cheapest option, and would afford me cash to get a good combo on the side)
Anyone have any experience with these beasts?