say something about ... yourself!

sooo apparently when the doctor stitched up my chin wound he didn't approximate it, meaning he stitched one side over the other or something and it didn't heal all the way. my dr took the stitches out today and said i will need to go to a plastic surgeon to get the wound worked on so it actually heals. the person he referred me to is way too expensive and i don't know if i would get workmans comp for this as well or what. i don't even know who to go to or how to get this handled.

and my cold seems to be immune to any medicine whatsoever.

About to sell my beloved ENGL SE E670, which means.... TIME TO GO AMP SHOPPING!

Going from a 4 channel, MIDI empowered, digitally controlled, space-station of an amp, I think it's time to get back to basics and go for something simple. Where the gain comes from slamming the thing into overdrive. Where the amp's organic soul screams bloody tone, sending weak women and children vaulting for the nearest respite.

What I'm most interested in:

Verellen Loucks (the current object of my lust)


Check out the vid: gain starts at :45, gets heavy at 1:05

Fryette Deliverance 60 (or 120 if I'm insane)


Bad Cat Lynx (but expensive, and nearly impossible to find)


Or a vintage Ampeg V4 (by far, the cheapest option, and would afford me cash to get a good combo on the side)


Anyone have any experience with these beasts?
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I met a girl yesterday, that I really like, then I got so drunk, that I fell down the stairs in front of her. I could kick my ass, if it wouldn't hurt so bad anyway.
Brooks should get a Hughes and Kettner amp. When my band recorded our 3rd EP one of the amps we used was an H&K and holy shit it sounded amazing. I think things messed up and we had to reamp (i can't fully remember) but hearing that thing blasting in the studio was INSANE. it was just so clear, so precise, yet so crunching and fucking heavy (while not losing any clarity on the leads either). Dunno if you'd consider that too metal for you, but definitely check it out. I think the one we used was the triamp mk2 but they have a ton of different ones.
... but is really an emotional drama based around Mr. Sister's apparent alcoholism and the ill effects it has on his every day life.

That is an awesome plot for a sitcom.

But honestly, I'm really fucking depressed right now... Found today out, that she was fucking backstage the guitarplayer of the band that played. Man, how the fuck can people exist, that are not alcohol addicted? cruel, cruel life.