say something about ... yourself!

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I fucking HATE birthdays; not because I'm getting older, but because it always feels like "yay me!" and I'd much rather just be alone. Same goes for others' birthdays. Being a hermit is really awesome, Max...having one person to share cool stuff with is better than having ten, imo. Enjoy hermitdom. There will be a time in the future when you will long for it.
Odins acting really weird.

He's meowing a lot, frequenting his litter box too much, knocking over his water bowl right after (getting litter all over the carpet), won't let me pick him up. Can't afford to take him to the vet, don't know what to do. :/
I haven't changed his litter yet but I'll do some inspection. He has one of those walk-in Mc Donalds litter box's so I can't see what he's doing in there.

He's also not sleeping...he's usually asleep all god damn day on the couch but he's just laying there on the floor lately looking pissed off.
My dog did something similar after eating snail killer but now hes fine... Hope hes ok, worrying about pets is terrible :(
By the way, how much is he drinking? Not so sure about cats, but dogs tend to drink allot after eating something that was bad for them and its usually a sign theyre getting over it.
Probably ate something like a mouse or a bird and is trying to digest it. My cats do the same. He'll probably puke up a carcass in a day or two and will feel better and be all proud of it. Make sure you pet him and thank him for it because he's offering it to you, whatever he kills or whatever shape it's in. This is their way of paying room and board.
Chris is probably right, John. My grandmother's dog was acting in a similar way but it turned out she'd fed him a huge piece of chicken bone and he just couldn't digest it fully. After a few days he got it out of his system and was fine.
That's probably it as well...if he can't go outside anymore and you just moved places, then he's depressed and agitated. Cats are really, really sensitive to that stuff, much more so than dogs usually. You have to remember that in a cat's mind, he is the boss and you are the servant. He ALLOWS you to pet him, he doesn't ask for it.

Speaking of puke, my dog ate said chicken bones the other day (which is bad for them...don't know how he got it...probably a neighbor) and puked up literally a mound of digested bones and other crap. It was literally like an anthill...then he ate it again.

The best thing you can do for your cat is to check his poop and check for any vomit in the corners of all the rooms, under the beds, couches, etc. If he is pooping normally and isn't barfing anything up, he's probably just pissed off at you for moving him and not letting him go outside. A cat is like a person, in the end...and you have to treat them like a person. They will respect you more if they think you are the boss, but they won't do anything you tell them to do like a dog will. They'll just be aware of the hierarchy. I have three cats and a labrador, and they all have different personalities. However, I have to speak to the cats and treat them like people, and they appreciate it...they even speak back to me. The dog is just a big tail-wagging, eternally happy clown who wants to play all the time.

Give your cat some time, he'll get over it. Also, play with him, even if just for a few minutes. Get one of those mice on a string and dangle it over his head or drag it along the floor...when they get the hunter impulse back, that will snap them out of the depression. They're really more like people than you realize...when a person isn't gainfully employed or doesn't have a purpose, he or she gets bored and grumpy and depressed. Ever been without a job for more than a few weeks? You go stir crazy and not even music or video games can keep you entertained. Now imagine if you were a cat who couldn't even go outside anymore, just moved to a strange place, and have nothing to do.
He's been in the apartment for half a year now, I do see your point, though. was throwing up before but it seems to have stopped. He won't bitch about being picked up anymore but he still isn't as social or mobile as usual. Hopefully, he's getting better.

I've been reading up on the Sammis and I'm so confused. Some of them look very Mongoloid, are these just the ones north of Russia? How could northern Scandinavians have dark skin?
He's been in the apartment for half a year now, I do see your point, though. was throwing up before but it seems to have stopped. He won't bitch about being picked up anymore but he still isn't as social or mobile as usual. Hopefully, he's getting better.

I've been reading up on the Sammis and I'm so confused. Some of them look very Mongoloid, are these just the ones north of Russia? How could northern Scandinavians have dark skin?

Ok, wait a second. Do you mean they look Mongoloid or Mongolian? A mongoloid is a retard.

The Lapps can have dark skin just like eskimos have dark skin. They're all people north of the Arctic Circle. Ever been to the Arctic? The sun never sets in the summer, and it reflects off the ice and snow all day. Probably over the millennia they evolved, just like people around the equator all have dark skin.