say something about ... yourself!

I saw there was a Dr Phil about people that sounded JUST LIKE THE BROTHERS but after noticing it in the channel guide and changing the channel , it turns out I missed it.

They need to go on Dr Phil

along with a few dozen cats

My aunt and uncle went on Dr. Phil because they suck.


I like the Intervention with the bulimic who stored her vomit all around the house. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Umm...heres a silly question. Why doesn't he get a job? I mean, I know I don't have one but I'm not the type of person who can manage high school with working.

Soon though.

He, and my other brother were never encouraged to do anything for themselves. My mother always told us that she would be happy if we all just lived at home under her care forever. My brothers took up that offer, to the extreme. She's over-protective yet at the same time she's not, or else she never would have allowed my brother to get involved with drugs. He's 32 and been a pothead since he was 17. He used to be pretty bright and didn't have any noticeable mental problems. But now....sheesh.

I guess I got lucky.
My aunt and uncle went on Dr. Phil because they suck.


I like the Intervention with the bulimic who stored her vomit all around the house. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

I tried watching that intervention show but there was just so much screaming.

Maybe if I knew Jars of vomit were in my future I could sit through it next time
If you took a guess Cara... how much do you think he smokes in a day? Sorry for all the questions.. but long term effects of marijuana use are something I think about seriously.
If you took a guess Cara... how much do you think he smokes in a day? Sorry for all the questions.. but long term effects of marijuana use are something I think about seriously.

4-5 joints a day. mostly in the morning and late night/wee hours of the morning...when my parents are at work or sleeping.
No shit. My mom told me she hopes I get AIDS and die. Yay! It's almost bad enough to give up on moving to Galveston and just get a house here to get away from it. But then I remember ...Galveston's a 5 hour drive AWAY! Yay!

Let's all go together, right now, and live happily ever after...til the hurricane comes. :loco:
4-5 joints a day. mostly in the morning and late night/wee hours of the morning...when my parents are at work or sleeping.
That's a substantial amount! I've done it before, but fortunately that ain't no every day thing for me. Or even every month.