say something about ... yourself!

Weeee so my bosses are really trying to screw me outta hours this week. tomorrow and thursday I work 2-6:30, which is hardly worth it for my almost one hour commute (one way). However, its my last week at that shithole and I just want to get it over as quickly as possible, so I ain't gonna bitch about it. And I like sleeping.
I need my debit card taken away from me. I'm living with my parents so I can put the extra few thousand dollars a month towards debts and student loans but I'm retarded with money. I'm going to be found dead one day under a pile of jewelry and purses and dog toys, my face half eaten by the cats and dog.
Aww. I was actually giving one of my best friends a neck rub and was running my fingers through his hair (I kind of felt like some sort of primate grooming her buddy) and I noticed a bunch of little gray/white hairs around his temples, he's turning 26 in June, he was totally freaked out. I just said "Aww you're finally growing up" ha.
I am pleased that I only have one day of work left before a 3-day break! The work's easy and the days go by relatively quickly, but still, me feets need a rest!
I need my debit card taken away from me. I'm living with my parents so I can put the extra few thousand dollars a month towards debts and student loans but I'm retarded with money. I'm going to be found dead one day under a pile of jewelry and purses and dog toys, my face half eaten by the cats and dog.
Give them to me, I'll use them responsibly.
man today i walked into our new rehearsal space, its fucking metal as shit. we have pa speakers which we attached to a casette player which our vocalist had tapes of demolition hammer and hella other oldschool shit, plus the walls are covered in bay area show fliers, exodus posters, thrash posters and other cool shit. once we get a fridge and hella sick lights i could seriously live in there, hopefully i'll get pics sometime.
Is not one to spend loads of money on myself. But recent developments in my body have left my face either REALLY dry, or REALLY oily, or BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. So I wandered to Clinique in the mall, and let them do all this shit to my face. I'd say it was a haul. There are like... fifteen steps involved in this skin care routine. I was just planning on getting this lovely yellow moisturizer, but was coerced into getting the entire thing.

I felt retarded because I felt guilty for spending like $95.00 on all these moisturizers and washes and toners and all of this, but I just washed my face, granted it took... hmm... like ten minutes instead of three, but my skin feels so nice and soft, not dry, not oily.

Maybe it's just me convincing myself. But, mmm. Okay I am not entirely sure why I had to share that, but I am really pleased with the first purchase I have made for myself over $30 at one time. But none of it smells nice! I suppose that's good though. It doesn't smell at all!