say something about ... yourself!

Cara, a couple people in my family have Blue Healers. They're totally awesome dogs but all the ones I've known are certainly aggressive and VERY active and hyper. They bark a lot and run around all the time and they chew up furniture inside the house and dig holes everywhere in the yard.

They soooo much fun to play with, but they've got like 9 million times the stamina of a normal human so it's hard to keep up with them haha. They're fun and cool, but they harbor virtually every non-appealing characteristic of a dog. They tear shit up and they don't listen. They run around doing whatever they want while giving the middle finger to the rest of the world. In my opinion that's a rad trait, and I don't know what you're looking for in a dog, but I imagine they might be a bit much to handle for someone that doesn't know exactly what they're getting into.

And they might not all be like that either. I'm basing this post on the 3 or 4 I've known in real life. Word.
Yeah that's what I was afraid of. Probably won't be getting the ewok then.

Australian Shepherds have a lot of energy too, but the one we had before wasn't all that much of a handful. Then again we had a couple of other dogs in the back yard for him to bother lol. In the puppy picture it looks like there are several others as well. If they have two Aussie pups, I may just have to get two.
Cara, both Aussie sheperds and Blue Healers are AWSOME.
But as I always say: know your breed. (and I'm sure you do, I'm just generally speaking)
They are extremely active and they will need really strong leadership and a lot (I mean A LOT) of excersize. They get bored easily and need a lot of attention and play time.
Which is: awesome. because after all, a dog is there to make us happy, right?

You know I grew up with ridgebacks, and that's all I knew in terms of dogs (my family had 3 growing up) Ridgebacks are HUGE, strong, and were bred to kill lions.
When I got Shrike, all of a sudden I have a mutt, (who is mostly a beagle) a small dog
and on top of that he sniffs all the time and BARKS.
That's what I mean when I said: "know your breed" because once I read about beagles, I knew what to do and what not to do.
(For example: Shrike is not allowed to howl or bark unless given the OK, and he can shut up completely on command which was HARD as shit to train him like that, because Beagles bark, and howl ALL THE TIME)
Just an example.

I'm sure Carrie can chime in and tell you what it's like to have a strong dog like her rotties (and my former ridgebacks... RIP)

I'm just postin'
But... Blue Healers are great dogs!!! So sweet :)
I can't wait to see a pic!!!
yeh most shithead dogs are caused by shithead owners that dont train them right. a dog is a lot of work and you have to be on top of it all the time at first so it knows who's boss and learns the proper behavior. thats why i like cats heh. show em the food bowl, show em the litter box and they're good to go! myabe a little water pistol if they're a particular shithead and climb all over everything. not like dogs that you gotta walk and they bark and they stink and they dig up the flowers. too much hassle for this hombre.

oh yeh there was supposed to be a point in there somewheres, dogs are a lot of work! research that shit and learn the training or you'll end up just another asshole with a bad dog!
They are a lot of work, but they are awesome and give so much in return too.
I am not sorry for any minute I spent on Shrike... He is so friendly, smart, and he makes me laugh.

But I see your point... there aren't bad dogs, just bad owners.

I think the best compliment I got about Shrike, was from several people that said: "Shrike makes me want to have a dog"


btw: after I graduate- I'm finally bringing a kitty :)
Well so far my family and I have never had any bad luck with dogs. Like I said, our other Australian Shepherd did fine, and I do realize that they are very active and always need something to do. That's why I'm considering us getting a second dog of some sort too, as there will be times when no one will be at home to give attention. Our previous Aussie had an Akita and a Chow to play with and "herd." We definitely have enough room for two, back yard-wise.

It's been a while since I've interacted with a large breed though (besides playing with Blitz), but getting him while he's a lil puppy will be a good and slow transition back into it.
Well so far my family and I have never had any bad luck with dogs. Like I said, our other Australian Shepherd did fine, and I do realize that they are very active and always need something to do. That's why I'm considering us getting a second dog of some sort too, as there will be times when no one will be at home to give attention. Our previous Aussie had an Akita and a Chow to play with and "herd." We definitely have enough room for two, back yard-wise.

It's been a while since I've interacted with a large breed though (besides playing with Blitz), but getting him while he's a lil puppy will be a good and slow transition back into it.

pics pics pics!!!!
pics pics pics!!!!

This one's all that's available at the moment.

so apparently cutting back to part-time at the current job and getting another part time job would get me more hours than working full-time at current job. and there's a slew of other stupid shit. wtg home depot.
oh lawd.

i do hope the lil booger is still there on thursday, because now i'm excited and want to spoil!
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