say something about ... yourself!

Always when I'm trying to eat do they appear, disgusting vermin. I want to om nom nom steak and pizza and they are are, roaches. Sickening things. My little Amber the cat killed one earlier, the fourth known kill this year, well she didn't kill it but I finished it. Then there was another in the sink. I call upon Odin the cat, but he's a glutton and he hopped down. As did Amber. They're actually afraid of the sink because I scare them with the water.

But I don't have to take this shit, I'm a man who's been up since Friday morning. I have no patience for these damn things. Mr.Bubble proved ineffective and merely subdued it. I looked to the pizza slicer to my right. I was done with it. I'm angsty and mad at the world, so I pick it up. Something I would normally do it was going to be so nasty. So I cut the little bastard in two. That's the end of that damn crawling.
Currently ignoring pupply cries and howls. Poor babyyyyy :(

But it must be done this way, otherwise he'll never grow out of it.

That's good, Cara!

Are you crate training him? (assuming so, but I'm not sure because in your pictures I only saw a little carry-on crate)

Did you get a Kong?


Great toy for teething dogs, and something that keeps them busy when in the crate.
Well the puppy turned over his food dish in his cage, so I HAD to take him out. I took him outside and he crapped right on the path my brother walks at night. Then pee'd, then we came in and had Derick time/food time while I cleaned out the crate. Then we went back outside once more and crapped on my brother's trail again & pee'd again. I shouldn't have warned my brother, but I did anyway, for I'd rather not hear my mom bitch about feces tracked into the house.

He's actually QUIET now. Before I put him back in I stuck one of my used bath towels and a t-shirt in his crate, because they say having something in there that smells like you will put them at ease. Apparently it works, he hasn't made a peep for a good ten minutes since I put him up.

Good thinking, about the towel and shirt :)
It's so hard to get them used to the crate... but once they do: they treat it as their "room" which is cute.

If I still had my store I would sooooooo send you a goodie bag :/
I'm going there next week to get dog food, I'll see if my assitant is there and he might give me freebies for you! :cool:
No we haven't gotten him one of those Kong things yet, but I plan on getting him one ASAP! We had initially gotten him what seemed to be a sturdy rubber bone, but he chewed a corner off of it, so there went that.

We are crate training him, but we're using a large plastic carrier thingy. I didn't want to get an all-wire crate after remembering Samantha's horror story of Blitz getting his paw hung and nearly bleeding to death. :erk:

We've got one of those huge chain-link dog runs and it's going up in the back yard TODAY, so he can have more time outside during the day. He's too little to have total free-run of the back yard just yet.

Yay goodie bag! Thanks for checking into it :oops:
I miss having my own pet store to run and to take freebies that vendors give ya and then send them to friends :erk:
I think I spoiled many people on this board with toys and goodies for pets (Ms.A ;) )
I'll def check out for ya about that Kong Cara. Petco gets tones of Kong toys for promotional/ events/ freebies - I'll ask :)