say something about ... yourself!

diabetes does run in the family, and i do have a high blood pressure at times. I don't think i have anything to worry about, but i do have an anxiety problem so maybe I'm just worrying about nothing...
If you have Diabeetus, you should dance with Wilford Brimley. He personally welcomes all the new recruits with his remix song.
Well any time you get blood tests done, the doctor may or may not require you to come in and discuss the results in person, even if there is nothing wrong. Just depends on how formal the doctor is. I've had that happen to me when all was fine, and also when they just wanted to tell me I was anemic (as most or at least a lot of women are at some time or another). But again, best of luck to ya Steve!
My puppy's sniffling :(

It's possible that he just got into some grass or something outside that didn't agree with him, or he has a cold. It has been kind of cool the past few days. Not cold, but cool. He's going to the vet for a full checkup and stuff either on Thursday or Tuesday, whichever day they have an opening first.

But he's fast asleep in his warm bed now :Spin:
This years roaches are the biggest, most powerful roaches I've dealt with in a long time. And they've come in great numbers. My cats and I have our work cut out for us.
I think I remember No Lordy talking about this.

Is there a way to keep a song a band has on their myspace if they plan on taking it off and they don't have it downloadable? Isn't there some program that can do it?
I slept for 13 hours yesterday after getting off of work. I slept all the way until I had to go to work again today. It kinda sucks butt since it feels like I never got any down time yesterday. Today feels like a continuation of yesterday! =(
Crotch erupted this morning, then I got to work to find only the freakin' largest shipment of jewelry that's come in since I began working there. And my helper lady is on vacation all this week! Goes like this: unlock the bin, take the boxes out, open each box one at a time, verify the units per box as stated on the sheet that's given to us, sort the jewelry, and either set it out right then or set it aside til more jewelry is sorted and ready to go. Six bins/fifty boxes in all, each containing up to 100 units.

And I was only scheduled for 4 hours today! Ended up working 5 though and I got all that crap done! :zombie: