say something about ... yourself!

i have to go to church tonight too! it's s different church than we usually go to so i probobly won't have any funny stories to bring back this time :(

I'm wearing jeans. I totally sarded the thought of having to dress up for church. All I have with me are jeans and a black witchy skirt.

Oh, and shirts. And undies and socks :p
i don't mind sitting through the service tonight but i don't want to take communion. sitting there indifferently is ok but i don't want to take part in a ritual. derick said he's going to do it this time just to make his mother happy. sooooo, i'll just be left sitting there with people looking at me strangely while i wait for derick to go through the line. UGH churchy people :(
I'm harassing Derick with ways to improve his Lutheran experience.

"Lutheran church: And you thought Catholics were anal!"
here's how i feel about the upcoming evening

They should at least have taken you to an easter show, so you could see jesus riding around on an ass.

*scratches his nipples*
ehh, i've been to this church on christmas eve before. it was awkward that time and is going to be even moooore awkward this time.
ehh, i've been to this church on christmas eve before. it was awkward that time and is going to be even moooore awkward this time.
Could be worse, if I were there I'd have to comment on the whole transubstantiation thing and the fact it's all a cannibal play. And pretend it was Jesus' funeral and they decided to consume him rather than bury him.

Wouldn't go over well with the others.
Which is a prosecutable hate crime. You don't do those in FULL VIEW of people DURING MASS.

I'd wear a Bill Clinton mask, though. I'd probably paint something sacreligious on my ass also, like Jesus painted on in such a manner that my rectum looks like it's his mouth, and that way people would just think that he's un-eating some tasty brownies.

EDIT: Or chocolate soup, depending on the consistency.
Got back a little bit ago from Christmas Eve service. Quite good. Our pastor does a "in-character" sermon. This time being from the point of view of one of the wise men. It was cool because he does it from a more... historical perspective. *shrug* Good time beside the screamin' babies, which is usually avoided by going to the later service. Agh.
I have to eat dinner with a bunch of boring old people, and my parents even admitted that they were boring.

But I got a Blind Guardian shirt in the mail today. I bought it off some girl and it has tourdates from the show I went to last year, yay.
Showered, dressed, and drove 10 miles (16km you Eurokids) to find out a chili dog place they INSISTED I go to was closed.