say something about ... yourself!

Same here. Actually I'm just a complete pussy, frogs, small snakes, big fish, lizards, spiders, roaches, bugs, etc.

Roaches sure are fun to kill though. I do so with my roach broom then do a little Final Fantasy victory pose.
Our townhouse was right next to this lake/pond thing and when summer came there were frogs and snakes everywhere. I carried a bag of pennies with me and would throw them down the sidewalk before stepping foot on it to scare them away. One time this damned stubborn toad wouldn't move and I made Peter give me a piggyback ride inside the house, screaming all the way. I'm fucking insane.
She did really have a lot of frogs. I was set aback by the large number of semi aquatic creatures that dwelled there.
Except me. I was born in the 7th century and cock-punched death so hard he refused to even age me until this millennium.
a friend of mine was saying that one day she and her boyfriend saw a dead frog on the road, and it had been squished so that its guts had come out of its mouth and she was analyzing it to figure out how fast the car had been going, etc.