say something about ... yourself!

Only poor people fuck that often. That's why the poor countries have too many people. And Catholics.

Hahhaha! It's true!

I'm always broke :erk: and I fuck allot so It's proof that this statement is true!:saint:

Oh holy shit this is the about me thread! So I have to do it, so here goes.

I've forced myself to stay away from the computer, well except for playing a game or two since the holidays. I have to because I can't get shit done unless I do. We are still talking about moving to Ohio. We still don't have a date to do so but I figured I'd get a head start on everything so that I'm not running around like a chicken with her head cut off when the time reaches near. We've been talking about it forever, but I can't seem to get Al to pin down a date. It's pretty aggravating.

I sits and waits for the bug spray to dissipate so I can go outside. They sprayed today and it isn't safe to wander about for a hour or so.
Hahhaha! It's true!

I'm always broke :erk: and I fuck allot so It's proof that this statement is true!:saint:

Oh holy shit this is the about me thread! So I have to do it, so here goes.

I've forced myself to stay away from the computer, well except for playing a game or two since the holidays. I have to because I can't get shit done unless I do. We are still talking about moving to Ohio. We still don't have a date to do so but I figured I'd get a head start on everything so that I'm not running around like a chicken with her head cut off when the time reaches near. We've been talking about it forever, but I can't seem to get Al to pin down a date. It's pretty aggravating.
why the hell would you move to ohio?! you realize its in the middle of the country right? thousands of miles from either coast? hello?
why the hell would you move to ohio?! you realize its in the middle of the country right? thousands of miles from either coast? hello?

Yeah, there's no cities or people or any place that is fun or interesting away from the coasts!

In all seriousness though, Ohio does suck.

EDIT: Forgot about the purpose of the fecking thread.

< Is about to do homework...ghey