say something about ... yourself!

Last night was so freaky. I was at a friends sisters house and it was getting overrun with people. I'm uncomfortable around lots of people I don't know so after awhile I went outside to smoke a cigarette I bummed off him to help calm my nerves a bit. Well, I was behind the house "her house is a garage" with my back to the fence. It was dark and I was drunk so I forgot the house behind me was a crazy house for crazy people to stay at.

Well, I turned around and jumped because there was someone on the other side of the fence with their back towards mine exactly where I was standing. Now I'm not a coward! But this was really freaky so I kinda got the hell out of there and then peaked from behind the wall and saw that it was this little Asian lady. She stood there for awhile then went back in.

There was no point to this story I just wanted to share it with someone.
Will is Asian? Or are you guys in a "free" relationship?

*Is waiting for the audio shop to finish with rewiring his stereo*
Joking Captain most know: NO, of course not, the thought of two women caressing each other's vaginas is disgusting to me, bring on the missionary sex in the dark!
Dead honest, IRL Captain: Yes, I would.
Sexually deviant Captain: Yes, I would. (So I can touch myself to it.)