say something about ... yourself!

I hope everyone had a happy Xmas day!

We ate chinese food and chilled out. We do most of our big celebrating in late December because it's our anniversary and we love new years. :)

Alex and I have been together for 8 years the 29th! Whoot!
:( Well this is acceptable then. I thought maybe you forgot the internet existed, but damn, don't get sick now, we need you alive as our AIDS carrier.
Last night was horrible.

Have you guys ever been really drunk and waken up in the middle of the night, still partially drunk and hungover? *second picture of the T-Rex comics* It's the worst feeling in the world! I felt like I was gonna throw up, pounding headach etc

But the point of this post is, when this happens I have a million images and thought patterns racing through my head. And random noises, and I had to continually shout at my mind, in my mind, to shut up because it was making things worse. Does anyone else get this? It's only when you wake up in the middle of the night drunk or sick. So many images and thoughts just rushing through making you dizzy and sick.
sleeping with a high fever is the worst.

usually one phrase, one melody or one image will be on repeat in my brain all night driving me completely insane.

drunk I sleep like a baby.