say something about ... yourself!

can't understand why they always do this to me at work. wednesday is our red apple sale for father's day. so:

today, monday: early shift, mid shift, and late shift.
tuesday: early shift, mid shift, and late shift.
wednesday: early shift (me), late shift. no mid shift to even cover my lunch, nor make the crowds of people more tolerable.

I hate having to do this sodding revision, we had our main exams over a month ago and now we've got some crappy little one on Thursday though I really don't have the enthusiasm for it.
I'll probably fail it, but at least I'll have a month before the results get back.

Also the weather has gotten good again, which makes sitting in my room working even worse.
I got the styptic stuff yesterday and put pressure on it and kept it clean. Blitz was fine last night so we didn't go to the vet today. He hates having his feet touched and I keep looking at it to make sure it's looking alright, he's started snarling at me. I'm gonna lose an arm.
is thinking work today will be epic fail

mine was. i ended up staying two hours later than i was scheduled, and worked in three different departments overall :erk:

why? because management couldn't schedule worth a crap even if their very lives depended upon it. tomorrow might not be bad if everyone shows up, but wednesday looks terribly screwed.