say something about ... yourself!

haha, what a day. derick has whiplash from a minor fender-bender, i sprained and/or broke my thumb outside, and derick just cut his pinky finger on a chipped drinking glass. i guess it's my turn again...:erk:
He can fly back once a year too, it's not like they'll all bring out Anti-Aircraft guns when he returns. Unless you like that sort of thing.
I might be moving back to Wyoming....Back to my $14/hr slot tech. job and FRIENDS and family...something i lack here.

I know how it is. I'm starting to wish I had never moved.

And 2003 was a good year for me too. My grandparents, who were also my main parental figures were still alive, I made six hundred dollars a week, I was making good progress on my drawing studies. ECT. It wasn't all roses since 2000, but I lost just about everything since 04 and 05.

If I lose anything more at this point you guys are going to see me in a rubber room flicking my lips, going "Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" :lol:

On an up note to Samantha, and some people are going to think this sounds retarded, but save up for that trip. The TV will bust in a few years so screw that, go on a better trip. I saved for two years straight to go to Florida, two years in a row, when I made the good bucks. I don't regret it, at the time all was secure, and looking back I realize I would have never have gone had I not done it because of the current finances. Since it was all done with savings it did not even come back to haunt me. I was all over the whole damn state it seemed. I got lots of home movie footage, a shit load of memories, and a feeling that I have more to show from that then probably most of what I purchased in since my first job. Shit I'd love to own a house but had I bought one I would have probably foreclosed by now. So much for that regret. I'd say everything was 2,000 the first trip 4,000 for the second.

I bought a computer with some of it. Of course that thing is already dead. See what I mean when I say screw the TV? :D
I had a feeling you'd be moving Steve. If you go through with it, I wish you the best man. You've seen what a my pals Houston has turned me into, I don't blame you for wanting to leave.

Man today was awesome but stressful. My friends mom comes on to me. REALLY comes on to me. She's like well if you don't wanna fuck me you can just leave. But I like her daughter so I'm not just gonna fuck her and I like...weasel out of her advances. Then this other girl is like go lay with her John I'm thinking fuck leave me alone. Not that it matters I have no chance with said daughter.

Obviously her mom was piss drunk to say that to me.

But today was still a pretty cool day. Some fucking undercover cop followed me part of the way home for no reason though.
I really don't mind Houston.

I just know i'll be somewhat happier in Wyoming because ill have a better job, family and support when needed. It just seems more reasonable and it feels like the right thing to do. I don't plan on staying in Wyoming forever. I was better off in Wyoming but i needed to get out. Ill chill in Wyoming for a few make some good money get some college basics out of the way then i can start thinking about living elsewhere.

Also some other personal stuff i won't discuss. But ill be much happier.
thumb hurts whenever i try to use it or move it suddenly. today i can tell that it's deepy bruised. this is awesome because my co-worker and i have new shipments to put out today, and she's got a torn rotator cuff.
I'm truly going to miss you my friend. Is Wyoming close to Minnesota? Come to Heathen Crusade III!

Compared to Texas and Illinois.....fairly close. I guess.

Here's a giant fucking picture to illustrate:
