say something about ... yourself!

Battery asked me to do a new Battery fangirl image for a t-shirt and I'm really excited to work on it.
I don't know how to bring up the subject of getting paid for it. "Getting my name out there" is all fine and dandy, but I need to make money off my work. I'm not asking for royalties, just a flat price, probably of $30-$50... haven't decided on that. :irk:
Seriously, the best way to do it is to come up with what you consider to be a fair price, and tell them that's what it costs. There's really no easy way to breach that subject other than just being completely up front about it. Don't get too far along in talking about the project before bringing it up. I've been there a lot before with web design. In business related manners, people (even friends) appreciate it when others are straight up about everything. It's just so much easier that way. You want to get paid, you deserve to get paid, they'll get a good product in the end and if your price is fair (the cool thing is, you are the one in control of that), then everything works out.

Just be up front and honest about everything and it's all good! :headbang:
Yep, it's just one of those things. It's how the system works. I'd love nothing more than a Star Trek-esque world where we all work to better ourselves and money does not exist, but that's an imagined Utopia, and so you work for someone, they pay you.
well... if the tv you have works fine, no reason to buy another one... if you save enough, you can buy a new car, move to a better apartment, a house...

well that's just silly. :oops: I've got two cars and an expensive apartment, the only thing missing is an obnoxious and nausea inducing television. That is, according to Peter. A tv is a tv to me. I've got two weeks off in October, I wanna go somewhere.