say something about ... yourself!

I don't even know what to do or say anymore. I live in one abusive family. I swear to god I would have knocked my father out. This situation is getting out of control.

Not trying to seek attention or feel down on myself, just need to let out somehow.

Can't. Don't have a car or job. I'll need to rethink things before I start college. Once I get going I'll never see them again, no regrets. I don't have any other family to fall back on, this is all for me, my disfunctional family where everyday we are at each other's throats.

For now, I have to stay :erk:

I know things suck but hang on until the time to leave. My dad beat the crap, and belittled me on a regular basis from toddler to teen. I could not leave until I was 20 years old. But I had to stay in touch because I love my mother. Now I talk to him once a year or somtimes two, I can't explain why I do, he is a sad little person now. But I am glad I kept a connection with my mom. Because there is always a hint of bitterness at the other party for not protecting you, I don't have the best relationship with her, but I'm glad I still have one and I love my Mom. They are finally separated too which makes it easy.

I can't give you any advice because I have no idea how managed to stay sane until adult hood. It's weird and hard to explain my methods. I never liked to be drunk and I never have done a drug besides coffee and cigarettes in my life. I guess I used my imagination to escape it all when I needed to. I can't explain it.

It's made me who I am, I'll tell you that much. I'm introverted, shy, passive, and have little to no tolerance for discord in my living environment. It's made me childless by choice too. But I'm happy with who I am for better or worse. If you can over come living with them and stick to the goals you have at the same time, and then deal with the person they made you, you will be just fine my friend.
I have to pee :D

That was what I said about myself. Ok I'm being goofy now.

Actually today was spent in the emergency room trying to get medicine for Al's mom's bronchitis. :( Her doctor was on vacation so the doc sent us to waiting room hell for four hours.
No more taint kickin' emo's will.

I'm watching the 6th season of Family Guy, and as the seasons go, it just seems to get better and better. Usually shows have the tendency to get less funny and more repetitive as the years go by *cough simpsons* but Family Guy is still great and getting better!
I disagree. Family guy lost it's edge when it came back to TV.

The Simpsons were great up until about season 10. Then it went downhill.
awww, I like Simpsons either way! Which reminds me when we went to see the movie... I think me (and brothers) were the ONLY ones in the entire theater that laughed out loud at the mexican jokes while the rest of the cinema sat quiet. They'd only laugh at the cliche stuff :(
Oh geez, tell me about it. A certain friend of mine is very, very stupid. During the part where they showed Barts penis he cackled fiercely like some kind of mix between a a hyena and a madman. If I hadn't been barred out it would have been slightly embarrassing.