say something about ... yourself!

yay laura!! i may or may not put my notice in on saturday. hopefully i will.
eh, not as overjoyed as i thought i'd be. gonna miss soooo many people there.

well, depending on how the school stuff goes, i might just wind up going back there part time. i just wanted to start out the semester being able to fully devote my time to school.

and if, like will thinks, i won't be able to go to school (because i'm stupid and get shit done too late), i'll just take a couple weeks off and read and stuff
eh, not as overjoyed as i thought i'd be. gonna miss soooo many people there.

well, depending on how the school stuff goes, i might just wind up going back there part time. i just wanted to start out the semester being able to fully devote my time to school.

and if, like will thinks, i won't be able to go to school (because i'm stupid and get shit done too late), i'll just take a couple weeks off and read and stuff
are you going back to school because you want to, or because your parents want you to? you didnt seem too thrilled with the idea of going back just a few days ago, and i wonder if you're just going back due to parental pressure, with quitting your job only adding to your dependence on them. sounds like they all drive you crazy and border on metal abuse. if you kept working you could move out with a friend or two and be free and on your own, away from crazies that try to control you, instead of going back to school when you're not feeling it, raising the likelyhood of you quitting again and being in the same boat you were before: jobless, out of school, and stuck at home with your insano family.
now, i dont know all the facts, and i certainly dont claim to know whats best for you, but doing things (such as pursuing a 2 or 4 year degree) solely for other people rarely works out idealy for the one jumping through others' hoops. if its what you want, i truly wish you luck in keeping the focus and interest that was lacking in your first go-around, but if its not what you want, perhaps you should reconsidder changing your life just to get the parents off your back for awhile.

ew serious post :zombie: