say something about ... yourself!

That was a thoughtful post, Neal. I agree, what ever the motivation, get away from the loony people. Maybe if it must be back at school find a reason to stay their for yourself alone. Maybe study something that is going to get you in a good paying field of work to get away from the butt juice people. Maybe even pick a place to go to school that is just far enough from the wieners. That would definitely be win win.

I also agree with the mental abuse thing. You would have to have nerves of steel to put up with half of what I've read from your posts.
Man... the next few days are gonna rock. Tomorrow, Slough Feg (they sure have been coming to SLC a lot, this is like the 4th time in the last year and a half), And then friday and saturday theres a fair nearby, so fucking FUNNEL CAKE!
hahaha, they must not want to get their shoes muddy. No, I got a better idea then that, it's probably because they don't know how to ice skate to play regular hockey, and don't want to get their shoes muddy.
are you going back to school because you want to, or because your parents want you to? you didnt seem too thrilled with the idea of going back just a few days ago, and i wonder if you're just going back due to parental pressure, with quitting your job only adding to your dependence on them. sounds like they all drive you crazy and border on metal abuse. if you kept working you could move out with a friend or two and be free and on your own, away from crazies that try to control you, instead of going back to school when you're not feeling it, raising the likelyhood of you quitting again and being in the same boat you were before: jobless, out of school, and stuck at home with your insano family.
now, i dont know all the facts, and i certainly dont claim to know whats best for you, but doing things (such as pursuing a 2 or 4 year degree) solely for other people rarely works out idealy for the one jumping through others' hoops. if its what you want, i truly wish you luck in keeping the focus and interest that was lacking in your first go-around, but if its not what you want, perhaps you should reconsidder changing your life just to get the parents off your back for awhile.

ew serious post :zombie:
wow, i inspired you to type something insanely out of character. i think i deserve a medal :headbang:

hmm... yeah, i know this is a pretty sudden change of heart. but i've been really... i don't fuckin' know, i've been having crazy mood swings and intense fits of depression and stuff for months and i think i just need to get out of retail and see if i can actually do something with writing. i just need some kind of change.

it was just like... for the longest time i kept thinking "well, i'll just fail miserably if i go back to college" and then i realized "well, maybe i'll fail just as miserably if i DON'T go back to college" and going to the community college isn't as big of a lifestyle shift as going to school in pittsburgh was, since it's 10 min away from my house and i might be able to go back to home depot in a little bit and work part-time

buuut because i had this whole "i AM going to go back to college!" idea so recently, will's probobly right and i probobly am getting everything done way too late and all the classes will be filled and stuff and i'll just go back to home depot with egg on my face being like "well... it WAS too late for me afterall."

i guess if nothing else, i can do the whole "non-credit, for your own enrichment" thing and just take some english/lit classes purely to learn stuff

so basically, i still kinda fucked myself over as far as all of this major life stuff goes but i'm not feeling so much bad about it as just foolishly optimistic/reckless.
This is some heavy life-direction shit you two are musing over.

I'd recommend you do whatever you want to do most. Cliché aside, it's so important not to fuck up your life and spend the whole thing secretly hating yourself. I don't even know you that well, Laura, but I can tell you're one of those people that let you get you down and as a consequence mope over what to do about it. I can also tell you have some skills, lady, and you should do something with them, lest you find yourself at Home Depot in ten years saying the exact same things on the Nevermore UM form.

I'm also pretty much constantly thinking about future things and having no idea what the hell to do with my life. It's unfortunate how much energy it takes up. What annoys me the most about everything is seeing these auto-pilot people go successful without even caring about their life.
[KOTNO]Narrot;7520202 said:
you think those ppl dont have problems of that kind? i am not quite sure
*shrug* i understand that people who have science/business/medical related careers have a lot of pressure on them and have a lot more demanded of them but ... i dunno, from what i've seen, if you're in high school and you decide that's the field you're gonna pursue in life, you go to college for it and pretty much have a job as soon as you graduate and are more or less set.
Gross, I just had to touch a rotted rodent head of some sort, with my bare hand! Rusty came running from the overgrown area of our backyard with it in his mouth. The moment I distracted him and he dropped it, I picked it up and flung it over the fence. It was either the head of a large rat or a young opossum. I think I just scalded my hand good enough though. I might live.
I'm swearing off fish all together. I had some seabass and salmon come into work today and after cleaning and portioning it I noticed the bottom of the pan with writhing with these little parasitic worms. It's a common occurrence, but fuck it, I'm done.