say something about ... yourself!

im fuckin sick and I fucking hate it. Vomiting and headache from Hel. 18 years of pretty much perfect health but all of a sudden in the last 1 or 2 years my immune system is like "FUCK YOU I QUIT"
im fuckin sick and I fucking hate it. Vomiting and headache from Hel. 18 years of pretty much perfect health but all of a sudden in the last 1 or 2 years my immune system is like "FUCK YOU I QUIT"
i didnt have perfect health growing up, but when i moved out and lived in kinda crappy apartments and smoked and drank waaay too much, started eating out all the time instead of good homecooked meals, etc. just generally not taking care of myself, it felt like i was sick constantly those first 2 years or so. soon your immune system will adjust to your horrible new lifestyle choices and all will be well again!
Yay, my weekend starts today! :D

Also, I have to quit drinking altogether. I'm so disappointed. I like drinking. :(
What's a panino sandwich? Panini are sandwiches...that's what the word "panino" means. That's like asking for a "hamburger hamburger"

Weird title for a these people even do any research before releasing products these days? But then again, it is Hot Pockets.