say something about ... yourself!

LMAO! Krigs you are so goofy! :lol:

Karen, I think they are tasty, but in a different sort of way. You see, you either want a hamburger, or a white castle burger. Kind of like when you crave SPAM you don't really want Ham. And, lol, I don't think you would like the WC Burger because they acquired taste :lol: Alex hates them with a passion. lol, he calls them Rectum rockets.
thanks for the comments about the hair, everybody

and as far as white castle goes ... have you people NOT heard the stories about eric vomiting up their burgers last powerfest? the whole pickles in puddles of vomit and the noxious stench? my god, it was vile.

and then will and i ate there before we left (yeah, despite all THAT) and i found out that the burgers tasted just as disgusting as they smelled when regurgitated by eric. the beef is like tough, gristly roast beef and the pickles taste like plastic.

and that stuff gave me the worst stomach cramps i think i've ever had. and horrible diarrhea. in an airport bathroom. that was AWESOME.

so moral of the story is I HATE WHITE CASTLE
I could handle a binge about once a year but the effects on the system were immediate and horrific. They're not bad going down. MUCH better than Hot Pockets.

I had Taco Bell for dinner and now here I sit with raging heartburn, unable to sleep.